Thank you Reaver894.
Tallima: Way to go!!! That's the #1 hardest to find. It's completely not marked and if you actually open the chest (which just beckons you) it sends you back. I thought the placement was an obvious choice to attempt a dig, but only to those who were really considering it. I'll send the game shortly.
stg83: Might as well post another one I found as well, thanks to another slot courtesy Tallima: MIDDLEGATE_INN_WIN_01 :)
Tallima: That one is a very tricky one to nab. Well done.
Your hint helped though at first i didn't remember what/who Corak was, till i did a lobotomy thing and spoke to the ghost.
Even then i wasn't sure as it was perhaps only the ghost of. I kept digging the whole place before it.
I even opened the chest first and transported back, but luckily i could transfer back and then do the digging.
Had to start the whole game over from saturday as i deleted it yesterday because i reached the 2 max limit till you increased it today.