Posted July 29, 2010
Now, I can enjoy a good Halo game now and then myself, and I don't hop on the hate train like it's fashionable to do, but it's pretty ballsy to call yourself the most anticipated game when it's been about a year since the last game in your series and you're going against a game that's been hotly anticipated for 12 years and is the sequel to the national sport of a country.
/pointless rant
Now, I can enjoy a good Halo game now and then myself, and I don't hop on the hate train like it's fashionable to do, but it's pretty ballsy to call yourself the most anticipated game when it's been about a year since the last game in your series and you're going against a game that's been hotly anticipated for 12 years and is the sequel to the national sport of a country.
/pointless rant