Delixe: I can think of at least 5 games that are more anticipated.
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Medal of Honor
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Fallout: New Vegas
DC Universe Online.
Incedentally the new trailer for DCU Online looks amazing
link New Vegas is the only thing that comes close to the excitement of Halo and honestly RPGs are still niche compared to shooters. Don't get me wrong, I bought the first Fallout because it was the spiritual successor to Wasteland, which I also played as a kid. I've enjoyed something about all the Fallout games since then. But even I can admit RPGs aren't the most popular genre in gaming.
Halo Reach has been advertised like crazy, far more than any of those others on XBox Live. Fanboys are drooling with anticipation, if it even turns out mediocre that'll be enough for the fanbase to declare it an unconditional success no matter what you orI may think.