Wishbone: Interestingly, the astroturfed user reviews for the game on MetaCritic also appear to have vanished. I guess Wild Games have done a complete retreat.
So they basically admitted they bought/made those reviews... WOW... I wonder how many huge players in the industry are doing the same, but their work is better quality.
I remember Dragon Age 2 thing when suddenly there were many 10/10 reviews which happened to be made by Bioware employees.
It sounds stupid and silly, but that actually happens. Just wow.
And I am kinda sad that they retreated like that. For this to change, there should be some big trial involving big youtubers, to some supreme court once and for all settle the issue.
It's so stupid that a company may take down your video, because you had 30 seconds of someone's music playing in the background, for example. And you don't even need to put it there. I've read about people who lost their videos forever because they were walking by a store which was playing some VEVO music....