Petrell: What's the DRM fiasco everyone seem to talk about? The one about TotalBiscuit bashing PS4 anti-DRM activists or something...
When Microsoft first announced the XBox One the DRM was going to be draconian always-online or at least check online every set amount of time. There was to be no used games or even sharing between friends locally. Of course the outrage was massive, but TB made a video where he played the industry apologist. he went on several occasions prior and later to the announcements about how he#s a PC gamer and how he never buys used (does he even buy
at all anymore?), so since it didn't phase him it was allright. After al, those evil used saled and big bad companies (GameStop, Wal Mart) are taking sales away from mediocre and bad games. Now his own big bad company (Polaris) is taking sales away from mediocre and bad games and now he gets to taste their medicine.
Just to make it clear, I am not in support of how those companies are using copyright, a law that was put in place to protect content producers, to basically silence all criticism. It's just that TB has now been hit by the same kind of shady politics and legal loopholing he has been supporting before.
htown1980: wow. I guy who makes a living "reviewing" pc games uses steam. I am shocked!!!!! :)
Actually I have nothing against Steam existing, I just downright hate how everything is Steam exclusive. If I had a choice, like I do with games from the Humble Store, I wouldn't give a flying f' about Steam. I tried it, i didn't like it and I moved on. At least until I found out that every new game released had to be activated on Steam. That's when my dislike turned to anger. It's not so much Steam itself that's the problem, but what Steam stands for.
Crosmando: HiPhish's post is the epitome of "attacking the man not the message"
Well, there is nothing to attack about the message. I mean, what kind of idiot would argue in favour of censoring criticism?