I had nothing but bad experience with D3 on pc (yes I had reaper of souls). Just too many steps backwards compared to D2 (hell, it only has 4 players, and it is online only)
I judge D3 as blizzards experiment into a new micro transaction model, Real World Auction House, and didn't really try to make the best game they could.
D3 on console can be played offline thankfully.
Path of Exile was and is pretty good, but I got desyncs constantaly and made it near unplayable.
I would literally enter a floor/level, work my way down to the next floor/level.... then magically my character would slide on the screen ALLLLLL the way back to the entrence.
Just about every other floor did this to me.
Not to mention the deaths because desync, I was getting hit from dozen of mobs standing on other side of map, I die, and my dead body would slide ALLLLL the way back to the entrence.
(I was told the servers are in Europe somewhere and maybe because I'm in USA I get shitty connection... only happens with this game for me)
Elenarie: It is important to let go of all the public hate that manchildren have for the game, and play the game for your own enjoyment.
Fenixp: That is
after or
before OP explicitly stating he's not happy with Diablo 3? :-P