cw8: I saw it in the Runic forums, and they're saying that Runic does not want to release it on GoG at launch since they're afraid of piracy because of the DRM-free but they stated they have interest in bringing it over here in time.
That's perfectly fine with me personally, and I actually approve that practise (first release the game with DRM (to secure the early sales), and later remove the DRM). I wouldn't have started playing it instantly anyway.
So I guess I'll use the same approach as I did with Space Pirates And Zombies (SPAZ): don't buy it until they offer a DRM-free version. Thanks Humble Bundle.
Come to think of it, I personally wouldn't necessarily mind even if GOG went that way, ie. they might release games with single-player DRM, for which they have somehow secured that the DRM will be removed in e.g. n months. Just so that they can also get a part of the early sales pie. And there would be some clause in TOS or whatever that if the DRM is not removed in due time, the customers can get their credits back for that game. :)
How they could secure that in practise, I have no idea. So maybe it isn't a feasible scenario after all (unless the GOG team has access also to the DRM-free version of the game, keeping it in their secure vault until the DRM-free release date). Too messy and complicated, I guess.