X-Wing: As a huge Wing Commander fan, I felt like this game just couldn't miss. There was a gorgeous trailer for it released just before the game was finished, and I felt with a true 3D engine and the Star Wars license, it had to be briliant. Imagine my surprise when I first boot it up. The music is terrible and irritating and sounds nothing like Star Wars. The graphics are uniformly grey and bland. The mission objectives are confusing and frustrating (and even time-limited, making for an excruciating level of difficulty!). The game is unplayable with a mouse (unlike Wing Commander) so I have to invest in an expensive joystick. And of course, it's a bit buggy. Eventually I slogged my way through the whole thing, and I did sort of enjoy it, but I never felt like revisiting it afterwards...
I'm sure there is some sort of inviolable rule about criticising x-wing. And you just violated it. I don't know the results, but I suspect apocalypse.
With that said:
X-Wing vs Tie Fighter: Now this was actually an awesome game, well before it's time. It was an excellent squad based online multiplayer game... but it was released in the time when half of us didn't have internet connections, and the rest had 10k modems that charged us by the minute to dial up.
Having played the
awesome x-wing and the more awesome tie-fighter, I got it expecting the same great story, missions, atmosphere,
amazing music system, and single player. Then I found it had no story or singleplayer, and cd music instead of imuse. I tried playing it singleplayer, but it had no hook. One of the only games i've ever returned.
I'd probably love it now though.
Jedi Outcast Totally average fps, with terrible weapons, terribly linear, boring and constricted little levels, horrible story, and average gameplay. The only thing it had going for it was the lightsaber system... and that was a little too random. It felt like Elite Force, but it should have felt like the sequel to one of the best FPS games of all time - Jedi Knight.
I don't think I can think of another one. Considering how much bitching there is on the internet about games, it's surprising to find that I've enjoyed almost every one I've played. I think it's because I get more involved in them. Unlike movies, I can think of hundreds of disappointing movies.
Oh, I remembered -
Warrior Within I guess all the reasons are well known. The strange thing is, deep in there there's a great game - but you have to fight to get past the horrible change of tone, all the bimbos in S&M gear, and the fact there are way too many fights, and not enough platforming and puzzle solving.