Glic2003: Well, I didn't play it until about 4 years after it came out. So that can't be me ;-)
Still, I thought it was amazing, if not quite as polished as tie-fighter (which i played first).
I've never really enjoyed any of the Wing Commander games to be honest. I played a bit of WC2 cos I got it free with my PC, but I could never get into any of the 3d ones. Terrible flight model mostly.
Glic2003: Exactly. It seemed like the people who liked X-Wing the most were the ones who weren't really that into Wing Commander. The two games represented very different approaches to the same genre: the flashy, movie-like game versus the drier, more "simulation" style game.
Considering X-Wing was based on a movie, I guess I expected it to be even more movie-like than Wing Commander! How ironic that it was less...
I agree with you totally on the perspective thing. For me, I was the opposite; X-wing was one of my first and most fondly remembered games as a child. I "discovered" WC 1&2 some time later and was disappointed in it. I think it was the jarring of going from 3D to 2.5D. That said, once I found Privateer, both X-wing and WC paled in comparison to it. Aside from Oolite, I've never found a worthy successor to Privateer (well maybe i-war2). With that in mind my most disappointing games were:
Privateer 2 - The whole atmosphere of the game seemed.... fake. It was hard to really get immersed in the game. Long distance travel was huge pain. Enemy AI consisted of playing chicken... every time. The universe seemed empty and bland. Couldn't get into the story. Sad thing is, there were a lot of interesting ideas introduced into the gameplay. Just poor execution maybe?
Batllecruiser 3000AD (eh screw it - the entire series) - Ok, its 1995; WC and the Xwing series are in full swing and this game comes along and offers a dynamic universe to trade and explore in. And oh yeah - your commanding a Battle cruiser complete with troops, fighters, and the kitchen sink! However, buggy, poor execution, crude graphics, poor UI, no story, overly complicated, non existent AI, and a bland universe, totally squashed all of the potential that existed in the game. Ditto for the sequels.
Morrowind - I love this game. In fact, I have over 90 mods hand-tweaked for my system. Then I realized, all the mods, hacks, etc, I had were essentially trying to bring back the awesomeness of Daggerfall and Arena. Morrowind lost the epic scale of the previous games. The sprawling cities, huge country sides, Labyrinth Dungeons, secret cults - all gone. Its a great game, but coming from the same cloth as TES I + II, I guess I expected a bigger/better scope and depth. I like playing it, but I never feel satisfied. I guess my expectations were too high.