lotr-sam0711: It's the circulation of lists like this that make gaming look juvenile, something made for 12 year old boys.
I'd be far more interested in a list of top 10 compelling female characters.
GameRager: Why is having hot girls in gaming juvenile? They try to market to the major share of gamers (to make a profit obv.) and the lion's share of them are MEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 13 AND 40.....and I like looking at women with big jumblies or certain facial/hair features I like. Albeit that's not my only concern when buying a game, but still....
Because it's pandering to the audience instead of finding compelling and intelligent ways to sell a game. Instead of making a great game, let's just put a big pair of boobs on the box and make the female character scantily clad.
Would people still remember Bloodrayne if the protagonist wasn't a female with huge boobs? No, because that was the whole hook of the game.
Same with Wet, a mediocre game that just happened to have a hot chick in it.
Granted, some of the games on that list are good, but obviously somewhere down the line someone doubted the quality of the product and wanted to sex it up a bit.
My issue is that we live in an age where if you want to find hot girls to ogle, they are just a few keystrokes away, so if you have that desire, there's an alternative that looks a lot better than any of these digitized characters.
I want my games to be about the gameplay, the world and the story and it's hard to get immersed in a game when I'm playing Laura Croft in the middle a snowstorm and she's got on a tight fitting undershirt and shorts. It's silly, unrealistic and distracts me from the actual game.