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low rated
Amazing! The girls are hot!

Top 10 Hottest Girls in Games Can't Miss
still find Alyx hotter than most of them.
If I was a weirdo who thought videogame characters were hot, I'd pick Lulu from Final Fanstasy X as the hottest, cause she'd be pretty damn hot to me
But I'm not a weirdo who thinks videogames characters are hot
Post edited September 25, 2010 by CaptainGyro
Yeah I love Cortana :)

Although Aida from Unreal 2 is pretty awsome too :D
Post edited September 25, 2010 by ReZ2436
Stripper with the blue pixels: Duke Nukem 3D

You know you cant top that, how much time did you spend in there when you were younger? did you use the PC Gamer supplied nudity patch to remove the red tassels? I sure as hell did!
Delphi from Giants: Citizen Kabuto was smoking too.

I don't know, trying to pick the 10 hottest video game girls is nearly impossible, they're nearly all hot. Finding the 10 ugliest ones aged 18-40 would be the trick. You might not even find 10 of them.
Faith? Seriously? She's barely attractive!

How could they miss Princess Farah (who was actually more beautiful in Sands of Time than Two Thrones for some reason)
kalirion: Faith? Seriously? She's barely attractive!
She may not be "attractive" as in being beautified for the sole aim of being "sex on legs" and all that, but she is certainly far more realistic than many female game characters. And it's that realism that makes her standout from the crowd for a lot of people.
Super Mario!
Darling_Jimmy: Super Mario!
Mario is a girl? Was there some sort of body swap with that princess which is why he keeps going after her no matter how many times the dumb cow gets kidnapped?
Post edited September 25, 2010 by Aliasalpha
Darling_Jimmy: Super Mario!
Aliasalpha: Mario is a girl? Was there some sort of body swap with that princess which is why he keeps going after her no matter how many times the dumb cow gets kidnapped?
Bingo! Actually I'm just drunk posting. Enjoy.
yanran: Amazing! The girls are hot!
Top 10 Hottest Girls in Games Can't Miss
Gotta say most of them are repulsive to me. Especially Joanna (that hair is just ugly) and Faith (something about her just doesn't seem right, maybe it's the eye).
Eh, can't say I really find any of those attactive, as raw sex appeal isn't my kind of thing.

Except for maybe Cortana, but then I guess I have a thing for AI girls.

Now, if you'll excuse me, i need to get back to my threeway Cortanna, GLaDOS and SHODAN femslash
alexisgondor: Now, if you'll excuse me, i need to get back to my threeway Cortanna, GLaDOS and SHODAN femslash
SHODAN gets the whip. :D

That being said I agree with Morrigan from Dragon Age based solely on her voice work. Claudia Black can read me a bedtime story anytime she likes.
