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like most of the posts on this thread, I can't list mine in order. It really is hard to make this list.
Phantasy Star 4. Sega genesis. - I had played rpg's before, my first being dragon warrior on the NES, but PS4 was the first with a decent story and characters i cared about. the first time i destroyed Zio was the most epic boss fight I have ever had in an rpg. not understanding the what the spells actually did at the time made the game a lot harder.
Ristar, Sega genesis- despite the childish look to the game, and the perhaps the too cute look of the aforementioned Ristar, this platformer has dug into the deepest part of my heart. a lot of my friends refused to play it just because it was too cartoony/colorful.
Planescape: Torment. PC- something about the combination of the story, characters, and setting rolled into a juggernaut of a game that blew my mind. if you've played it, you already know.
Silent Hill- Playstation- not my first survival horror game, that goes to resident evil. where RE made me jump, Silent Hill shaped my already sometimes horrible nightmares into something even more twisted. first time beating it, got the worst ending. i was at a friends house at the time, and when the credits rolled i looked at him and said, "what the hell just happened?" this game engages the player in psychological warfare and wins. i just wish the graphics had held up a little better. I tried playing it a few years ago and good god does it look awful.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- Playstation- my first encounter in the world of Castlevania. every game in the series released before or after its release has been judged by its incredibly high standard and found wanting. for me, of course. Just talking about the game makes me want to boot up my 360 and play it. (got it on xbox live because i no longer have a Playstation.)
Road Rash 3- Sega Genesis- I don't even like racing games for the most part. Road Rash makes my list because years after i first played the game, I am still playing it. also, I am pretty bad at it. Lucky Luc may be the reason i hate people who constantly cut you off on the highway.
Hexen- PC- FPS set in a dark fantasy world. 3 characters to choose from. as a wee boy, this game used to creep me out, frustrate the crap out of me, and give me a sense of pride whenever I managed to get unstuck. I think the game still looks and sounds great. I don't remember much in the way of music, but the ambient sounds of the levels and the bone crunching smash of the warrior punching something stand out pretty well in my mind. another game i still play many years after i first installed the 6 or 7 floppies that it came on.
Quake- PC- quake at up many of my pc gaming years. just so you know, I'm pretty average at FPS's. It was the first game I remember wanting to play before it was even out. I remember seeing a clip of it on Gamespot TV or whatever the show was called those many years ago. it floored me. my brother and I asked for Quake and Duke Nukem 3D for Xmas that year. the only reason Duke isn't on this list is because of a few mods for Quake. Meta, Team Fortress, and Border Patrol. I'm not sure whether Meta or TF came first, but they were about the same thing. Border Patrol involved 3 teams. one trying to cross the border, another protecting them, and the 3rd trying to stop the first. jumping the wall and running for freedom while snipers and heavy weapons guys unloaded on you. riding in the back of the truck and almost hitting the border, then you realize a demoman had set a det pack under the truck. KABOOM!
Final Fantasy 9- Playstation- after what I thought was a disappointment in the 8th game, I was a little hesitant to come back to final fantasy. I really enjoyed 7, beat it with all characters excepting yuffie who I could not stand. killing sephiroth and the emerald weapon with cait sith's slot limit break. 9 brought something else to the table. cutscene after cutscene where my eyes popped outa my head and jaw hit the floor. I won't lie to you and say i remember all the details of the story or that it was even that the story was even that good. i think it was, I'm a stickler for those things. the main thing about ff9 that stands out for me is that there were so many times i thought to myself, "that is the coolest thing i have ever seen in a videogame." Plus, Vivi, Kuja, and the ninja whose name i cannot remember right now. oh, and Black Waltz number 3.
Eye of the Beholder series- PC- first person dungeons with no map, incredibly easy to get lost in. traps, invisible walls, hidden items, hard to find what you need. enemies who poison, paralyze, and drain your strength, hard to survive. I only ever beat the first game. made it pretty far into the 2nd. barely scratched the 3rd. EotB is half the reason I'm on this site. That's a hint because I am aware it hasn't made it into the library YET. It's also 100% of the reason I bought the Ishar bundle having never played or even heard of it before.
honorable mentions- Xenogears, Silent Hill 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Final Fantasy 7, Phantasy Star 3, Nocturne, Earthworm Jim, Vectorman, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, Comix Zone, Final Fantasy 6, Beyond Oasis, F-Zero GX, Guilty Gear, System Shock 2.
Long post, I know.
Warcraft II
Diablo 2
Fallout series. (Interplay)
Grand Theft Auto: 2 and Vice City
Tomb Raider IV
Gothic series (except Gothic III, i've not played yet)
Tenchu 2
Unreal Tournament
Half-Life 2 and expansions.
Honorable Mentions: Sonic series (Genesis), Mario series, Worms Armaggedon, Earthworm Jim 1 & 2, Portal, Half-life 1 and expansions, Doom series, Medal of Honor 1 and 2, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series, Golden Axe, Ecco: Tides of Time, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Kid Chameleon, Battletoads, Mickey Mouse - World of Illusion, Rambo III, Streets of Rage series, Contra III - The Alien Wars, Toejam & Earl, Donkey Kong Country series, Metroid 3, Super Bomberman 4, Demon's Crest, Ghost 'n Goblins, Act Raiser, Harvest Moon, Zelda series, Need for Speed series, Driver 1 and 2, Super Smash Bros, and etc...
Hi all
Well these are 10 of the games I loved to play:
On my Amiga:
1. Championship Manager 92/93
2. Sensible World of Soccer 96/97
3. Dune
4. Dune 2
5. Dark Seed
6. Striker
7. Desert Strike
8. Dungeon Quest
9. Cannon Fodder
10. The Settlers
a lot of mine is incredibly cliched and seems like the typical choices you see on any random console videogaming site. But hey these games are picked so frequently by others for a reason. IT'S BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME. I have to mention I am a relative pc gaming noob, hence the lack of pc games
not in order:
super mario bros 3
super metroid
final fantasy 6
super mario bros
yoshi's island
devil may cry
zelda a link to the past
ratchet and clank going commando
disgaea 2
nba2k series ( I'm picking the whole series because each version I have played blend together in my mind and I can't remember which version was my very favorite. It's easily the franchise I have spent the most time playing over the years0
Looking at my list, Disgaea 2 seems to be a strange pick compared to the other much more popular games. It was the first strategy game that I really really enjoyed (I once played 17 hours straight). It showed me how awesome strategy games can be, and I guess was the gateway game that led me to pursue pc gaming
Post edited October 17, 2009 by CaptainGyro
1.Grim Fandango (PC) - Ultimate favourite. The others are in any order, I like them all equally.
2.Half Life 2 (or Ep 2) (PC)
3.Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (PSP)
4.Gitaroo Man: Lives (PSP)
5.Sam and Max: Hit the Road (PC)
6.Day of the Tentacle (PC)
7.Curse of Monkey Island (PC)
8.Okami (PS2)
9.Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
10.Pyschonauts (PC/XBOX)
11. Team Fotress 2
CaptainGyro: a lot of mine is incredibly cliched and seems like the typical choices you see on any random console videogaming site. But hey these games are picked so frequently by others for a reason. IT'S BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME. I have to mention I am a relative pc gaming noob, hence the lack of pc games
not in order:
super mario bros 3
super metroid
final fantasy 6
super mario bros
yoshi's island
devil may cry
zelda a link to the past
ratchet and clank going commando
disgaea 2
nba2k series ( I'm picking the whole series because each version I have played blend together in my mind and I can't remember which version was my very favorite. It's easily the franchise I have spent the most time playing over the years0
Looking at my list, Disgaea 2 seems to be a strange pick compared to the other much more popular games. It was the first strategy game that I really really enjoyed (I once played 17 hours straight). It showed me how awesome strategy games can be, and I guess was the gateway game that led me to pursue pc gaming

I dunno Disgaea isn't that strange. As long as your are fan of RPGs you should have at least heard of the series due to its massive cult following.
(Also damn Disgeae 2 for PSP coming out in freaking Feburary in the UK! Why the hell can't be released sooner!?)
Post edited October 17, 2009 by evilguy12
well It didn't feel super strange , it just felt a little out of place IMO when compared to the rest of the list. The other games I listed were really popular
Roughly in order, although sorting anyone's top 10 might be beside the point. It's not like I couldn't recommend all of those titles to pretty much everyone.
Don't ask me why I commented on my picks, it was one of those "seemed like a good idea at the time" things.
If pressed to choose, this one most likely gets the number one spot. Clever, witty and just sheer fun to play, I'd consider this pretty close to a perfect game. Granted, ti's short, but the length actually seems perfect to make the game outstanding for every second spent with it.
Insert random praise here, it's just tough to think about anything bad about that game.
A very close second, simply because Tetris is nothing short of brilliance. Everyone gets it immediately, it's the ultimate challenge imo and it just goes on forever. And it's the one game your mom gets just as addicted to as you.
Resident Evil 4
Probably the single biggest improvement a series has ever seen. You get a sweet B-Movie horror experience, top notch production values and tons of replay value with weapon customization (themed runs ftw) and Mercenaries.
Now some people will tell you that a cheap jumpscare (dog through window comes to mind) has more to do with horror than a dozen lunatics, who have no access to a bathroom and may or may not coordinate their efforts in a language, you probably didn't understand, chasing you around with farming tools and frothing mouths. Yeah, I know.
Metroid Prime 2 - Echoes
Imo an improvement over the first installment in every aspect. Athmosphere out the ass and this time actually with environments that aren't the most generic ever, all your stuff stays relevant throughout the game (I'm looking at you, wave beam) and they didn't even butcher the end this time. It's basically the "isolated on an alien planet" idea brought to perfection. Fwiw, while it probably doesn't look that way, the first Metroid Prime would have easily made the list, too, but two games in here that are that similar would be kinda boring, wouldn't it.
Half-Life 2
The great thing about HL2 is - and I'm addressing immersive qualities here - that it has tons of toilets. Even better, you never use one. Now that's a great game right there. If you don't get the feeling, you're merely playing a level, you got yourself a winner.
Master of Magic
One that held up beautifully over the years. I played it for the first time only two years ago and got totally hooked - and I'm a graphics whore. Tons of replay value didn't hurt, either.
Dune 2 - The Building of a Dynasty
I don't even like RTS, but this gem was just pure awesome. Fairly athmospheric for what it is and as far as I remember somewhat revolutional gameplay-wise. Sure, the controls are dogshit by today's standard, but back then this was as good as it gets.
Fwiw this spot is very highly contested by Sins of a Solar Empire at the moment.
Tekken 3
The be all end all fighting game imo. There's really not much to say, remove Gon and Dr B and this one would have been flawless.
Fallout 2
Tons of win in this one. I don't know how they did it, but they made post apocalyptic landscapes charming. Not everything really fits in that well, but on the other hand it's a beauty to explore, especially with all that freedom of choice stuff going on.
Metal Gear Solid
I never got interested in the series again, but the first Solid was named fairly aptly. It beautifully excels at making you feel like experiencing an adventure instead of a game. You could probably fill the first page of the "gaming moments that made you go WOW!" thread with this game alone.
Post edited October 17, 2009 by lolplatypus
I still think I need to wait a while before I decide my all-time favorite (in fact, I doubt I'll ever have one, because there will always be an amazing game brought out), but I can list some of my favorites.
Metal Gear Solid 4, every title developed by Valve (so far), The Longest Journey, Tetris (I'd argue to say that it is THE perfect game, but not my absolute favorite), Final Fantasy X (The only FF game I've really, really liked, which also happens to be many FF fans' least favorite), TrackMania United Forever, the first season of Sam and Max, Psychonauts, Myst IV, Super Mario Galaxy (for whatever reason, it's the perfect Mario game for me), Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, and Broken Sword II. Sorry, that was way more than 10.
in no particular order.
i know it's more than 10.
no way i can narrow it down any further :)
Fallout 1+2
Baldur's Gate 1+2+exps
Planescape: Torment
Star Control 2
HoMM 2+3
Might & Magic 3-6
Eye of the Beholder 2
Doom 1+2
System Shock 1+2
Day of the Tentacle
Grim Fandango
Deus Ex
Post edited October 17, 2009 by undergog
1) Lufia series,
2) Hide and Seek (Yes, the physical game. I was extremely good at it, and now that MJ is dead all the kids are outside and I can play my favorite game. I also play a variant with my friends, but we do....other things if you are caught.)
3) Mount and Blade.
4) Star Wars KOTOR.
6) Star Wars: Jedi Academy.
7) Duke Nukem 3D.
8) Far Cry/Doom 3
9) Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
10) Thing-Thing series on the Internet...Flash game.
Let's see, I can't order them, but these are my favorites:
- Day of the Tentacle (+maybe The Dig)
- Mortal Kombat II
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (on Sega Mega Drive 2)
- Death Rally
- Fallout 1+2
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
- Doom series
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight series
- Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
- Darkness Within
Post edited October 22, 2009 by Vorax
My favourite games:
1) Baldur's Gate series
2) The Longest Journey
3) Curse of Monkey Island
4) Day of the Tentacle
5) Full Throttle
6) Starcraft
7) Dune 2
8) Half-Life 2
9) Street Rod 2
10) Bioshock
These are my favourite games:
1) Ultima VII Black Gate & Serpent Isle
2) Planescape: Torment
3) Shogun Total War
4) Civilization II
5) Football Manager (formerly championship manager) series
6) Pcfutbol series
7) Baldur's Gate I & II
8) Wing Commander:Privateer
9) Star Wars: KOTOR
10) Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Sorry sneezed or something and accidentally hit the "bump" key...
I like Another World lots. Also WoW and Mass Effect.
Post edited March 12, 2012 by phanboy4