Starmaker: TL;DR: RPGs fundamentally suck. A lot of them are fun and entertaining, but the platform does not support serious stories and never will.
Fenixp: So ummm.... Which platform
does support serious storytelling? You're complaining about not enough options, but there is no platform that would have more of them.
Adventures, of course. I do not complain about not enough options, I complain about arbitrary restrictions on too many options, to the point that these restrictions are portrayed as an inevitable outcome or even universal truth.
If an established character does something, or encounters a hardcoded restriction, this is part of his/her personality. If you imagined Cute Hermit Dude as someone who *will* destroy others' property and he flat out refuses to do it, then you amend your vision of the character, simple as that.
And yes, if Elothar, Warrior of Bladereach, has just slaughtered thousands of orcs and now offers forgiveness and redemption to their villainous commander Irenia the Hound because he feels he has no right to take a life (aww, how noble! ♥.♥), then you're perfectly within your right to pronounce the game stupid and the devs moronic; there's no way in hell you can empathize with a character this unrealistic and contradictory.
Now, most CRPGs imply certain default constraints: your character is one of the IRL-rare adventurers, who thinks power through quadratic advancement is worth striving for. You start the game knowing you won't probably be able to buy a farm and raise children instead. Many games have only one side of the conflict available, and even that is not too much of a problem depending on interpretation. Champions of Krynn is a 1990 dungeon-crawler where you play a party of six zealots conscripted by Solamnic Knights (more zealots) out to slay draconians (corrupted irredeemable baby angels). That's the premise, and it's fine as premises go. You do not get an option to defect because that's who you signed up to play; what you *can* do is muse why stories of the sort attract people, but otherwise the war party is going on their merry way unless they get wiped or you get tired of the game.
PS:T does not have this luxury. It is a game nominally about a completely blank slate person making sense and forming his opinion of the world, but it's linear enough that the only way to see more of the plot is to want to die. In a world filled with literally everything imaginable (as opposed to, idunno, a desert with radioactive waste, acid rain, and nothing besides) it is very railroady - it is railroady exactly
because of the blank slate character and the many supported viewpoints mandated by the amnesia plot device.
(I have some non-nice things to say about persistent personality memory wipes, too, but that's because the concept of a persistently good or persistently evil human is too Calvinist/newage by itself, rather than because of any structural flaw of the medium.)