carnival73: Ah, I remember when Half-Life 2 was first released.
I was told over and over how my PC at that time couldn't handle it and you needed some ungodly-priced rig to even get it working on medium settings.
I've just ran it today on full blast and man does it look like crap.
How far we've come....
I just replayed it (and now I am on Episode 1), and I was surprised how good it still looks. Ok, so current games do have more detailed faces and bodies than HL2, but e.g. the water effects in the Water Hazard level still impressed me. But maybe it was partly because the game I had played just before HL2 was the original Half-life games... But before that, I was playing e.g. Spec Ops: The Line, Crysis 2 and Witcher 2, if they count as new games.
If you e.g. load the free Half-life 2: Lost Coast and crank everything up from the advanced options and resolution to 1920x1080, does it still look like crap?
So I'm in the camp who thinks the game has aged quite well graphically (and frankly, I think Valve has updated the graphics engine over the years; wasn't it so earlier that the special effects in "Lost Coast" were not originally in the main game? Now it seems to have the same.). I probably wouldn't mind still playing some new games with this same graphics engine. Maybe the main difference to some newer games I've played is that everything in HL2 looks "too smooth" to be fully believable.
Another 3D game that has aged quite well IMHO is the Serious Sam games (Classic). You can see the age and low detail on models, but it still manages to impress on some levels.
However, something like Wheel of Time (with Unreal engine)... I must admit it doesn't look that good today, but I guess I survive. And yeah, the original Half-life...