Skreczi: I must support TheJoe Guild Movement (TJGM)
The Guild is an incredibly playable merchant and political game that I will simply never forget :) It is incredible experience that EVERYONE should try >: ) Trust me - its excellent!
I strongly suggest to start few times as simple stone and wood merchant and slowly learn how it should be played. After two times I suggest to try as a land lord and begin playing with politics.
Two thumbs up! Aaaand Yoooooo Joeeeeee ;)
The Legion of the JoWood Unrelated Peoples' Front of The Guild grows! Our warriors in GOG's own offices shall spread the word of The Guild!
Rise, JudasIscariot! Come my minion Skreczi! Let us defeat the foul peoples of the RSPMAMAODTG and its wholly owned subsidiaries! We will take over the world with our Action Points and weak beers. Let us spread the unholy Faust's Elixir to the heathen unbelievers!