Aliasalpha: Anyone got any? I could really use some about now. I've pretty well just given up on my one and only chance of happiness (can't go into the details but it involves a woman).
Zeewolf: Whatever you may think and feel right now, the fact is that it was not your one and only chance of happiness.
We humans can be incredibly self-destructive in situations like this, and make matters worse than they actually are by creating more and more negativity. Telling yourself that this was your only chance of happiness is an example of that. It's just not true.
This is one of the most accurate things I've ever heard said and you've pretty well got my depression nailed down. In my case there's more than just negativity and depression, its the sheer lack of human contact that makes further options hard to envisage.
All my hobbies are insular and solitary, my chosen field of study and hopefully eventual work will be pretty likely to be either solitary or a sausage fest, high capacity social situations freak me out and even if I did manage to meet a girl that seemed like she might be interesting, I really can't progress beyond smalltalk and most of my interests are so nerdy, complicated or esoteric that few people would know what the fuck I was on about. I mean walking up to a girl in a bar and asking what her opinion is on time travel paradoxes isn't likely to be the best start. Sure if I find someone that can reply without having the concept of a paradox explained to them I could be onto a winner but that'd require talking to every woman in this whole town and probably stil not getting many results.
Ois: It's not your only chance, unless you have incredibly strict standards.
Thats the problem, I do. I need an intellectual and educational equal and whilst this is going to sound incredibly arrogant, they're as rare as hens teeth regardless of gender