kavazovangel: Action AAA game? :D
I wonder what will be next... ZZZ?
Phc7006: Games with a supersenior AAA tranche ( the first 10 minutes), a senior A tranche ( The next 10 minutes) and a junior D tranche ( the rest of the game )?
Repackaged B/C games given a complacency AAA rating (because these gamers are so dumb that you could sell them sh...t without them knowing ) ?
I'm sure the consultancy firms have a lot of ideas on how to recycle passé financial terms for the benefit of all industries ...
Actually, I think that in the grand tradition of Tower Defense games, this will make the rise of the Action-Anti Aircraft Artillery game genre. Or perhaps Microsoft wants to compete with Rovio and make their own Angry Birds-style game, consulting with the Aerial Agricultural Association of Australia.
In any case, I'm expecting a joint lawsuit to be filed against Microsoft by the American Association of Anesthesiologist Assistants, with the Albuquerque Aerostat Ascension Association.