SLP2000: I wonder if they can bring Linux versions. It's not that easy, and they need time and money to do that. And they don't have them.
I dunno, it's quite possible that they've been working on this for a while now. If indie devs can muster up the resources to develop Linux and Mac versions specially to appear in the HIB, I'm sure THQ could manage it. The only problem I could foresee would be Red Faction Armageddon, which is tightly bound with GFWL.
SLP2000: ps If they do THQ bundle, and they release some of their good titles drm free, I hope THQ bundle would save their asses. I wish to see what they would do later (speaking about drm thing).
Such a bundle would have the potential to shake up the PC gaming industry. It would almost certainly be more popular than the indie bundles, and if it nets them $5-10 million - which I don't think is unrealistic given the mainstrream nature of such a (theoretical) bundle - then it may get other mainstream publishers thinking about whether DRM is really an effective tool.