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I'd rather GOG uses its resources to fix broken features/ functions and improve functionality than/ before implementing "cool" stuff that doesn't seem to serve any other purpose than... being "cool" for a number of users.
cmdr_flashheart: I would have liked if this wishlist came with a "vote against this" option.
I often wonder what some entries would look like if there was this option.
you want achievements use steam or consoles

As long as I can opt out of them, sure, let GOG knock itself out.
And so long as it doesn't screw up in some manner the basic functions of the site.
zeffyr: If that would be optional - why not? If not interested, turn it off :)
Because they will influence the behavior of other members. You'd see threads being posted just to get achievements, threads suggesting new achievements, threads celebrating achievements, questions how to get them, etc.
I doubt it is feature that GOG really needs. It's basics - no client, no compulsion, no online-DRM. Great community, besides. Another steamy-weamy stuff, even optional, is not worthy to spend resources.
GOG needs to focus their resources on optional client, not achievements :-P
Fenixp: GOG needs to focus their resources on optional client, not achievements :-P
Or some kind of way to access games' library content from the GOG downloader without having to visit the website.
HypersomniacLive: I'd rather GOG uses its resources to fix broken features/ functions and improve functionality than/ before implementing "cool" stuff that doesn't seem to serve any other purpose than... being "cool" for a number of users. I often wonder what some entries would look like if there was this option.
My thoughts exactly. I have no use for Achievements in game or here in the forums. They are a distraction. I'd rather they use valuable resources on a better site search or one of the other many much needed forum functions missing and not waste them on something a small percentage of users "Need" to make themselves feel more important.
Many folks today can't seem to get by without a client to coddle them; and achievements to show how successful of a cog in the wheels of life they are; and some 'smart-device' planted to their faces all day. I'd vote No if there was such a vote. But since there isn't; I' say just give them more koolaid and hope it keeps 'em happy for awhile.
I had never achieved anything in life until this little guy came about --> see attachment.

Anyway I see neither a yes or no with achievements, for some they are the be all and end all, and for others (people with OCD spring to mind) they can be the baine of their lives. For me I just ignore them, I could not care less.
I'll abstain from voting. As others have said, I'd rather see GOG pour resources into something useful.
I really don't see the point of something like this, although I also don't see the harm if it were implemented. But another vote for improving/fixing other things on the site first.