Posted December 15, 2013

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

hi! hi!hi!hi!
Registered: Mar 2011
From Serbia
Posted December 15, 2013

End of rine...

max 50 chars
Registered: Jul 2011
From Canada
Posted December 15, 2013
I'm not too fond of the game math undergoing ludicrous scaling. The level 1 character does 10 damage and the level 11 character does 10000 damage and the level 21 character does 10^21 damage. Other stats are subjected to the same inflationary process.

Vigilant GOGer
Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted December 15, 2013
I don't like that all the best gear is ancient and hidden away in some place that would ruin that gear if it stayed there for longer than a few weeks, let alone the tens/hundreds/thousands of years they expect you believe it's been laying there.
Post edited December 15, 2013 by Cormoran

Friendly Dragon
Registered: Dec 2011
From Sweden
Posted December 15, 2013

Argh. I like to just equip what I find when I find it.
Instead, introduce penalties for wearing heavy armour, that may or may not be important for any given character, in case you want different types of characters to use different equipment (sure, your mage "can" use that shiny new chainmail, but he will be a lot worse at casting spells, due to any weight hindering the intricate hand waving that he needs to do in order to effectively cast spells), and my rogue can use that big 2-handed troll mace, though don't expect him to move very silently with that thing hanging from the belt.
I can understand stat-requirements for equipment, but instead of having a binary can/can not system, why not have an efficiency system? The further from the required stat/skill you are for any given piece of equipment, the less effective you'll be with it (that armour will weigh you down more, and that strange trident dagger will just end up being a hindrance in combat, but you "can" equip them)

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted December 15, 2013
XP is weird.
I don't like very much how your random abilities are acquired after an arbitrary threshold of experience in an irrelevent domain. Hack 4001 squirrels, and suddenly you can put one point in Rune Descyphering. You want to learn Sailing, then go slice 3999 more squirrels.
I'm also not fond of how XP relates to success. You don't learn from mistakes, failures, errors. Also, you can hit a troll three hundred times, you'll only learn something with the last blow. Let someone bash him 299 times and hit it once right then, you're the one suddenly an expert in trollbashing.
The Elder Scroll series tend to avoid -or minimise- these absurdities, and I respect it a lot for that.
I don't like very much how your random abilities are acquired after an arbitrary threshold of experience in an irrelevent domain. Hack 4001 squirrels, and suddenly you can put one point in Rune Descyphering. You want to learn Sailing, then go slice 3999 more squirrels.
I'm also not fond of how XP relates to success. You don't learn from mistakes, failures, errors. Also, you can hit a troll three hundred times, you'll only learn something with the last blow. Let someone bash him 299 times and hit it once right then, you're the one suddenly an expert in trollbashing.
The Elder Scroll series tend to avoid -or minimise- these absurdities, and I respect it a lot for that.

New User
Registered: Feb 2013
From United States
Posted December 15, 2013

Argh. I like to just equip what I find when I find it.

GFN / VR / Switch!
Registered: Oct 2010
From Other
Posted December 15, 2013
I like that part, as long as the reason for them being more powerful is magic or some other force, the time has just increased that strength. However a non-magic armor being trapped in an dungeon for 1000 of years is another matter entirely.

In HARM's way
Registered: Jan 2011
From Norway
Posted December 15, 2013
Oh, another pet peeve - merchants that run out of money indefinitely. Morrowind, I am looking at you.

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States

smthing smthing
Registered: Jan 2013
From United States
Posted December 15, 2013
Isometric camera :p

Zielony Brzydal
Registered: Jan 2012
From Poland
Posted December 15, 2013
Rats, bats and spiders! The most uncreative monsters for newbies. Rat-infested cellars as a first quest, learning that even weak creatures can be dangerous if they outnumber you and of course introduction of poisoning mechanism... gah! How many times do I have to endure it?

gog people rock
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted December 15, 2013
I hate RPG games that never make you feel a part of it's world..we have killed the Dragon(or whatever final boss it required) saved the lady and countless lives just to still be treated the same in the world..not all of them of course but you guys have probably run across a few yourselves.

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom

It's 2L84U
Registered: Sep 2011
From Puerto Rico
Posted December 15, 2013
The RPG elements of Deus Ex 1 I.E.:
Why is a highly trained cybernetically enchanced secret agent unskilled in Rifles, Pistols, Hacking, Computer use, and Lockpicking.
Why is a highly trained cybernetically enchanced secret agent unskilled in Rifles, Pistols, Hacking, Computer use, and Lockpicking.