jefequeso: You're letting your own beliefs (a lack of beliefs would be someone who has no opinion on the matter, which you obviously are not) blind you. Atheists do just as much to try and force their own beliefs on others as Christians do--and this is true even when those beliefs are perfectly legit. I don't think there is a single issue I've seen where Atheists weren't just as aggressive and just as dogmatic as the Christians they were debating. I don't see how "churches" enter into this discussion. The presence or lack of a communal gathering place doesn't at all relate to how pushy someone is.
Only if one views not letting someone else force their religious view on people as forcing your views on them which some (and I'm not saying you are one) religious people do. I can't tell you the number of times I've heard a right-wing Christian say that allowing gay people to marry violates their constitutional rights to religion - note they weren't being forced to attend or have it in their place of worship, just that it would happen at all was somehow against their rights. If believing that argument is nonsense is pushing one's views on someone else, then yeah I'm guilty. I'm curious as to when you've experienced atheists enforcing their view on you? (I'm not saying it can't happen btw, I'm just curious as to what happened?)
I'd also like to point that being secular is not the same thing as being atheist. There are many upon many religious people who believe quite strongly in separation of church and state- some even more than their atheist counterparts.
Are there assholes who are atheists? Absolutely. I've met quite a few who disgusted me to the bottom of my core. Have I met assholes who were liberal? Yup. Have some of my best friends and people whose intelligence and decency I have never doubted been conservatives and some religious conservatives? Yes (though the religious ones are open minded towards how other people live their lives). I long since learned that simply because someone purports to believe in the same things you do neither makes them intelligent nor a decent human being. The corollary being that there are many intelligent, decent people who believe in very different things.