Elmofongo: ...As said by Bill Maher :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y0aydhFHNE (I am so sorry, but I really I wanted to post this)
That was gold. Thank you.
HereForTheBeer: He makes some funny points, in his efforts to completely ignore:
- unemployment
- enormous growth in Social Security Disability recipients
- enormous growth in food stamp recipients
- ~$5 trillion in new debt
- no budget in almost 4 years
etc., etc., etc.
"Hey you, in the unemployment line! Look over here! Did you know that the President can
not ban birth control, neither candidate has expressed any desire in doing so, and yet we're going to present it as a national issue anyway? You have no job but sex is free, so this should be the most important issue to you!"
And what makes you think Obama is solely to blame for the mess you're in?
Republicans didn't exactly give him a free reign to do what he wanted in the house and Bush didn't exactly allow him to being his term with a clean slate.
Truth be told, your country was going straight to hell before your current president begun his firm term.
From there, you would have needed a miracle man that can turn shit into silk.