deathknight1728: News is really reached the point where its almost too crazy for its own good. We got a murderer killing cops in California and Charlie Sheen (yeah I know right) is going to broker a deal of money to this asshole. Since when does celebrity status start such craziness. The part where I look at this positively is ok Sheen is trying to be nice because the bad guy mentioned him. Thats nice but what difference does money make when he wont be able to spend it in jail.
This is one of the only things that again will only happen in America. Celebrities brokering deals with mass murderers, rofl. Its a good thing I have a great sense of humor. Otherwise, I'd end up crazy like all these other people.
You're assuming Sheen isn't trying to help the police and using the perpetrator's obvious sympathy for him to ensnare him.
Of course, the LAPD is one of the most corrupt police forces in the nation and has been for at least 90 years. What amazes me is that no one else with a ruined life has snapped and started hunting bankers, cops, lawyers, or whoever they hate. You'd think with all out nutjobs and murderers this kind of situation with Dorner would have happened more often.