KiNgBrAdLeY7: I agree with you. I have the original AND the HD remake versions, of:
1) Baldur's Gate 1 and 2
2) Icewind Dale 1
3) Monkey Island 1
4) Broken Sword 1
5) Broken Sword 2
I found 1, 2 and 3 far worse from their original version. Not out of nostalgia (only), but because they introduced many more (new) bugs, they gave emphasis to better graphics and the MMO approach of update trend (nerfing classes and balancing player/skill interaction/pitting, and even worse removing exploits and glitches from the games, that had been iconic in the past), and they even featured LESS content and options that their predecessors; Yeah, i am still very angry and pretty pissed, that i cannot roll my favorite character in Icewind Dale 1 Remake, the Elf-Druid!
3, 4 and 5, i found them excellent, but that has to be only because they contained the ORIGINAL version, TOO! Should that be absent, then i would be much more skeptical and judgmental.
All in all, i HATE remakes myself. Especially in the case of 1, 2 and 3, i bought them only to express my gratitude to GoG for breaking the fugly steam monopoly and striking a deal to be their distributor too, because i wanted to make my game library complete, and most importantly, because they had been on a SERIOUS, day 1 DISCOUNT. If those merry little coincidences were absent, those titles would have been absent from my collection, too, for real.
Monkey Island special edition has bugs? Well that is a new one on me. I know it has a couple of things chopped out, one of the reasons being it was just a broken part of the game anyway. But absolutely NOTHING important and/or worthwhile in the game has been edited.