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Elmofongo: "Because we want to increase da replay valuez" so says every developers
*sigh* I know. Replay value is great, but this is just stretching the game with a carrot on a stick, to me replay value is how fun the game is to replay after you have seen everything. It's not that hard to hold a player's attention with a story and new levels, but what happens when the player has seen all this? A good game with true replay value will still be worth playing, a bad game will simply hide things and tell the player to unlock stuff (i.e. waste time). On thing i really like about Unreal Tournament is how there is nothing to unlock, it's all there for you to play with, all weapons, all maps, all mutators, all characters. The game doesn't need a carrot on a stick, just playing the game is fun enough on its own.

Another reason is a more sinister one: unlocking content and collecting experience points takes time. If you have invested enough time into a game you don't want to start all over again in another one. I think companies know this and they intentionally make game sinto time sinks so that you feel compelled to sticking to that one game instead of buying the competition's game.
So, checking off all the "next-gen" cliches:
* Arbitrary stylised effects in an otherwise non-stylised game (smoke when grabbing guards' pouches)
* "Cinematic" screen edge changes instead of a HUD element (goodbye light gem)
* Gangsta weapons (the sideways bow)
* RPG elements (XP)
* Detective Vision ("Focus Mode")
* QTE as a constant combat mechanic
* Collectibles (unique loot displayed in the base)
* Melodramatic cutscenes
* Emo protagonist, complete with eye shadow (anti-heroes are so last-gen)
* Generically oppressive, semi-religious, totalitarian dictatorship (you know they're the bad guys because, uh, they're doing bad stuff)
* Cinematic railroad sequences where pretty explosions happen without actually threatening you (unless you leave the rails or fail the QTE)
* Dubstep trailer clashing with the game's setting or atmosphere
* Implicitly non-trivial day one DLC
* Context-sensitive movement and interaction instead of dedicated, reliable functions

Did I miss anything? I didn't even mention the lock picking minigame because, really, that's been around so long it doesn't even count as a hip and relevant new feature.
Elmofongo: "Because we want to increase da replay valuez" so says every developers
HiPhish: Another reason is a more sinister one: unlocking content and collecting experience points takes time. If you have invested enough time into a game you don't want to start all over again in another one. I think companies know this and they intentionally make game sinto time sinks so that you feel compelled to sticking to that one game instead of buying the competition's game.
From a Multiplayer perspective I say thats even more fact, there is no way am I going back and forth between say Call of Duty and now Battlefield, fuck even Arma 2 has unlocks (unless there are mods that removes all the locks) and the same applies to MMOFPSes nowadays like Planetside 2 and Destiny and that new Tom Clancy game whatever its called. At least I can play and limited number of MMORPGs (even WOW clones) because of how easy they are these days.
Arkose: Did I miss anything? I didn't even mention the lock picking minigame because, really, that's been around so long it doesn't even count as a hip and relevant new feature.
Off-Topic I never had a problem with Lock-Picking in Morrowind, but hated it in Oblivion. I like them only in Splinter Cell.
Post edited October 10, 2013 by Elmofongo
Arkose: So, checking off all the "next-gen" cliches:
* Arbitrary stylised effects in an otherwise non-stylised game (smoke when grabbing guards' pouches)
* "Cinematic" screen edge changes instead of a HUD element (goodbye light gem)
* Gangsta weapons (the sideways bow)
* RPG elements (XP)
* Detective Vision ("Focus Mode")
* QTE as a constant combat mechanic
* Collectibles (unique loot displayed in the base)
* Melodramatic cutscenes
* Emo protagonist, complete with eye shadow (anti-heroes are so last-gen)
* Generically oppressive, semi-religious, totalitarian dictatorship (you know they're the bad guys because, uh, they're doing bad stuff)
* Cinematic railroad sequences where pretty explosions happen without actually threatening you (unless you leave the rails or fail the QTE)
* Dubstep trailer clashing with the game's setting or atmosphere
* Implicitly non-trivial day one DLC
* Context-sensitive movement and interaction instead of dedicated, reliable functions

Did I miss anything? I didn't even mention the lock picking minigame because, really, that's been around so long it doesn't even count as a hip and relevant new feature.
* The guards constantly use "shit" and "fuck". I cringe when any character starts talking. Dialogue is so bad and derped down to modern "standards".
Arkose: So, checking off all the "next-gen" cliches:
* Arbitrary stylised effects in an otherwise non-stylised game (smoke when grabbing guards' pouches)
* "Cinematic" screen edge changes instead of a HUD element (goodbye light gem)
* Gangsta weapons (the sideways bow)
* RPG elements (XP)
* Detective Vision ("Focus Mode")
* QTE as a constant combat mechanic
* Collectibles (unique loot displayed in the base)
* Melodramatic cutscenes
* Emo protagonist, complete with eye shadow (anti-heroes are so last-gen)
* Generically oppressive, semi-religious, totalitarian dictatorship (you know they're the bad guys because, uh, they're doing bad stuff)
* Cinematic railroad sequences where pretty explosions happen without actually threatening you (unless you leave the rails or fail the QTE)
* Dubstep trailer clashing with the game's setting or atmosphere
* Implicitly non-trivial day one DLC
* Context-sensitive movement and interaction instead of dedicated, reliable functions

Did I miss anything? I didn't even mention the lock picking minigame because, really, that's been around so long it doesn't even count as a hip and relevant new feature.
innerring: * The guards constantly use "shit" and "fuck". I cringe when any character starts talking. Dialogue is so bad and derped down to modern "standards".
Worst offender was Splinter Cell Conviction. And I swear if Thief 4 ends up having guards swearing Game of Thrones style I am gonna puke.
Post edited October 10, 2013 by Elmofongo
PetrusOctavianus: Looks like the gameplay is mostly cutscenes and scripted events. This gameplay trailer doesn't look much different from regular trailers that maybe contain a few frames of actual gameplay.
Arkose: To be fair It's hard to judge a game based on trailers; some of the early trailers for the first game make it look like an action-packed game with lots of combat (apparently the Eidos marketing folk weren't sold on the idea of a first-person game that isn't about killing people).
This early gameplay trailer of the first Thief game always gets me:

By that, it really looked to be Quake with a bow. In the end, it turned out to be something else.
Oh right, I forgot about swearing; indeed I wish I could continue to forget. I guess a world with its own unique terminology that most players considered endearing and memorable isn't nearly gritty and grimdark enough for this melodramatic next-gen masterpiece.

timppu: This early gameplay trailer of the first Thief game always gets me:

By that, it really looked to be Quake with a bow. In the end, it turned out to be something else.
Oh wow, I haven't seen that one before. Hilarious.

Apparently the gangsta bow in the new Thief is true to the original games after all. :D
Elmofongo: Its like Bioshock, forcing me to miss out on whatever happen to SHODAN at the end of System Shock 2 and its really unexplained how the woman got "possessed" by her.
Shodan refers to having another avatar available to her if you piss her off too much, then there' s this: and this, so in all likely hood, she slapped in the cybernetic implant hoping it would help her survive the poison from a spider, and technically, it did.*

*If you don't mind being possessed by an AI with a god-complex.
MAYBE this game will be good on it's own... but I kinda doubt it.

As a Thief game it's going to be awful. Headshots, like really?
Skyrim is a Stealth Game :P
The one mistake every developer makes is to stray too far away from the core of what made his previous games so much fun. And no, this does not imply to make the new game like the last one with just better graphics, gameplay is the emphasis here, gameplay - the old thief titles are just a proof that you don't need great graphics to have a fantastic game. Sadly more and more nowadays graphics outweigh gameplay...
The best I'm hoping for at this point is that Thi4f might turn out to be an adequate Dishonored clone, tbh.
nadenitza: The one mistake every developer makes is to stray too far away from the core of what made his previous games so much fun. And no, this does not imply to make the new game like the last one with just better graphics, gameplay is the emphasis here, gameplay - the old thief titles are just a proof that you don't need great graphics to have a fantastic game. Sadly more and more nowadays graphics outweigh gameplay...
Graphics are not just looking pretty, you can also use the lighting for various ways to affect the stealth, and also add more sound variables introduced in Chaos Theory such as loud noises like engine rooms will make you even more silent.
nadenitza: The one mistake every developer makes is to stray too far away from the core of what made his previous games so much fun. And no, this does not imply to make the new game like the last one with just better graphics, gameplay is the emphasis here, gameplay - the old thief titles are just a proof that you don't need great graphics to have a fantastic game. Sadly more and more nowadays graphics outweigh gameplay...
Elmofongo: Graphics are not just looking pretty, you can also use the lighting for various ways to affect the stealth, and also add more sound variables introduced in Chaos Theory such as loud noises like engine rooms will make you even more silent.
Well that's a good example of using graphics to complement gamepaly, no complains here.
nadenitza: gameplay is the emphasis here, gameplay - the old thief titles are just a proof that you don't need great graphics to have a fantastic game. Sadly more and more nowadays graphics outweigh gameplay...
It's not that the old Thief formula wouldn't sell, it's that Square Enix are obsessed with spending enormous amounts of money on a game and then need it to make all of that back.

Tomb Raider sold 3.4 million copies in the first month which Square Enix considered a failure--not because 3.4 million copies is a bad amount but because of this generation's ridiculously bloated budgets.

This is why Thief and so many other sequels/reboots are veering heavily towards being "cinematic", action-oriented and dumbed-down. Initially it was just because companies were greedy for more money, but the changes they made in pursuit of profit to make the games more widely appealing also led directly to increased development costs, so now things are at the point where they actually need (not just want) their games to sell many millions of copies before a game actually starts making what they would consider an acceptable profit.