SpringPower: Does this mean that The Witcher 3 will require this client? I rather like DRM free games and not have to deal with the hassle of the client. I preordered Witcher 3, and if it is like Steam, I would cancel it.
Pheace: It won't require the client to play, though the achievement system might, as well as online play/friends list etc of course.
Johnathanamz: PC gamers who want to purchase PC versions of video games on Steam because they have Steam Trading Cards pisses me off and sets the PC into a way to earn more and more money off of every single virtual item that you can possibly try to sell, which therfore I call a exploit and should be illegal.
Gabe Newell 5 years ago said he did not believe in DLC's and microtransactions yet VALVe introduces Steam Trading Cards, a marketplace on Steam, and releases 2 Free to Play (F2P) video games Team Fortress 2 in 2010 and Dota 2 in 2012.
I will get a lot of hate for typing this comment, but I don't care. I voice my opinion here on the gog.com forums.
I hope gog.com never introduces a marketpalce.
Deal with it.
Pheace: So, how do you feel about the devs A) participating in this model (with Steamcards) and B) Profiting from this model?
No one should be profiting from this stuff, let the Steam Trading Cards be tradable only NOT marketable.