Posted June 01, 2011
Krypsyn: Also, I also find it amusing that among those bashing Fox News in this thread, at least those that I have noticed, none is actually from the U.S. Do they show Fox News in Austria and Slovakia? I honestly want to know if you are actually basing your bashing on substance, or if you are just parroting what you have heard Americans saying. I take no stand on whether or not Fox News is full of crap (I really hate that 'my cable news source is better than yours!' debate), I just want to know how you formed your opinion on the matter. It would better inform me on how much credence I should give your other opinions.
Spent a lot of time in the US (mostly California - Bay Area), and have watched it for myself. It's definitely getting worse over the years. I don't see how they can claim to be a "News" channel, when it's all opinion (Even when they do report news, it's not as a factual program, but they dissect it and opine it, and then twist it to their "[Christian] GOD IS GOOOOOD!", or anything arch-conservative, middle-aged, middle-class, white male-only stance...). Definitely not a balanced source of information.... :\