That a great config, however that 5770 will struggle quite a bit with TW2 on high settings, it is really a demanding game, plus that cpu is a beast (I've got one since it came out) but it's EOL and a bit long in the tooth, plus the case is a little expensive, and ssd is a luxury right now, give it a year or two before they become essential, cost effective and matured in technology. Right now the wear rate is too much.
Right, let's get TheH2s a great config ;)
There IS a combo deal, but the PSU brand I haven't heard of, and feel as if it might be a weakness: However that's a pretty good deal and you save a ton of money.
Case: This is a great, cheap, roomy case with upgrade in mind for fans and almost anything else you wish to use, HOWEVER it has NO cable management, so that might irk you in the long run, let me know if you want one with this feature. This is an EXCELLENT first time builder case though.
CPU: I didn't bother including the K version, since this is your first self built build and overclocking is something first time builders are unlikely to do till their next one. Also, TW2 makes usage of a quad core cpu, so having one will help out the game a lot. It'll run smoother at higher settings since it won't be cpu starved.
MOBO: Agian, nothing too special in the way of OC'ing, but a solid, brand recognized mobo with a good rating, good features, good look and of course, supports the CPU perfectly.
RAM: [url= ] [/url] 8GB is amazingly cheap these days, so why not opt for it. Again good brand, and will work with both mobo/cpu with any problem.
GPU: This baby should easily handle TW2 at high/ultra settings with any trouble at all, however it's successor is already out, and the nvidia option, the 560Ti is better but a bit more expensive. If you wait a little while better cards will come out soon. This will knock down the price of the 6870 a little bit and make the NVIDIA 5000 series cards cheaper better to think this option over.
HDD: An excellent HDD, big on size, quality company, good performance and price. The flooding in Thailand is affecting the prices though, so I'm going to leave SSD and a storage drive out of this build. Rest assured, this drive is excellent.
PSU: Some might say modular is unessary, but I took into consideration your perfectionist streak, and no other type of PSU Matched up. In order to have a clean, good looking inside of your computer then a modular power supply is a
must. You basically can add in whatever wires you wish to use for your parts, and the extra cables you don't need to use you can just put back in the box. It simplifies the building process as well as you don't have lots of cable clutter you have to deal with, and just knowing what cable goes where enables you to store the extras you don't need. It's a bit expensive, but well worth it as a perfectionist. I too have a modular power supply and it has been excellent for my computer cleaning habits.
DVD drive: A simple DVD drive for disk usage, it's wont come with a sata cable, but your MOBO will come with a few spare.
Total price is $851.99. This is below budget by a fair amount so you have $150 to save on future parts, OR we can recommend you better parts. Hope you find the info useful.