Siannah: There's a few games I'll always go back to:
- Morrowind - open world, so many freedoms and choices, with a rather deep char advancement system
- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - still the best Civ I've played
- Dungeon Master - best dungeon crawler ever, hands down. Now where did I put those handdrawn maps again?
- Thief series, all of them - I'll drop that Fisher guy anytime for one of 'em.
deoren: Did you end up using any mods to make you move faster, or does that come from dex or skill improvements? I tried playing it a few years ago and ended up giving up on it due to the slow movement speed.
Think movement speed is athletics skill.
there are super boots which increase your speed. The disadvantage is that they blind you.
but if you have resistance against magic you may not be completely blind.
I used those boots as orc for whole game. I could travel from one side of the map to another in matter of minutes. It was fun fighting strong enemies: I hit them in the back. they turn around and try to hit me i just simply run around them and hit them in the back again before they could react. I was frigging FLASH!
not to mention dodging magic attacks. mages were useless against me. at one point four of them were shooting at me magic spells. they all missed, run out of mana and tried to attack me with melee. slaughtered them under five seconds.
Damn. Now i want to replay the game.