It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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shane-o: Regarding ARG's, google has one out (I think it's Google or associated with them) and you actually have to be active/get out-and-about, which is even more awesome

Related website is

Ingress is invite only... the bastards >:( Apply for an invite on the Ingress site
Thanks for the info I will try it later.
robb5: Only 10 GB left to download...Oh boy, oh boy!
for me it's about 11 GB (in 5 hours if the speeds stay steady)

so I guess I won't try it today ;)
robb5: Only 10 GB left to download...Oh boy, oh boy!
Kunovski: for me it's about 11 GB (in 5 hours if the speeds stay steady)

so I guess I won't try it today ;)
My download speed is usually 5-10 MB so it is not a issue.
EDIT: Aaaaaand it's done. See you in game guys.
Post edited January 06, 2013 by robb5
shane-o: Was this a while ago as they've fixed a lot of things apparently
This was about 10 days ago.
First off...not looking for a free key as I have nowhere near the time to add an MMO to my gaming rotation atm.

Just read the thread and wanted to throw a kudo out to shane-o for the very awesome generosity he displayed here. I'm guessing he doesn't do it for the rep or even care about it much but its deserved nonetheless.

Also, a bit of advertisement for the game for those who do have time and inclination for a game like this. I played it back during Halloween when they had a free trial weekend. Like any new game, especially an MMO, the initial levels are always what suck you in and really like the game. This game was no different - the skill trees were nice and varied, choice of weapons were plentiful, quests were all over the place. The game was/is really good.
I don't recall combat being odd as that seems to be what I read when most people complain about it. The one thing I do recall not liking though was the running around from one end of town to the other often. Maybe chalk that up to a newbie still not knowing his way around but it still seemed like a lot of running (having a ton of quests in my journal probably didn't help with this either).

Its a darn good mmo from the brief time I played it - just unfortunate it came out when it did and got lost due to the backlash for subscription based MMO's that started to come out due to the SWTOR debacle and people getting disenchaned with WOW, EQ2, and others. Sub models were not getting any good publicity at the time. Not to mention lots of people were just waiting for the release of GW2 too. If it had been released in the same state a few years earlier, it would've took off well imo.
I've always had a small desire to play Secret World for the skill system and the story, but watching the combat gameplay made me cringe a bit. Not exactly sure how small a part of the game it is that I could overlook it.

There's also the rumors about EA possibly buying Funcom and I don't like the direction they took with SWTOR once it went F2P. I don't want to play another MMO if EA gets their hands on it and mucks it up.
I got it on steam, being an idiot and thinking it would make things easier. Well, it didn't , since I messed up by running the steam integrity checker after an update failed to apply. Had to redownload the entire thing 3 times, with a total of 60 gigs done. Not particularly fun, that. If I had gotten it from amazon, it would've been cheaper AND faste, only missing things like a cosmetic steam hoodie and a steam shirt (and maybe the temple cat familiar), which would have been no big loss.

Then once it was downloaded, I tried it. Holy shit the point and click controls are awkward, and the "actiony" one is not particularly good either. Combat feels assy and the way the character moves is strange.

Immediately after struggling with the tutorial controls, I got into it. And got hooked. It, as a game, is worse than DCUO, but the rest? The rest is top notch. The textures are gorgeous, the concept is very interesting, the writing is very very solid (to be expected from the lead dev of The Longest Journey/Dreamfall), the puzzles are GREAT, and once used to it, the combat is very fun, hell I've already finished two of the starter decks.

Which by the way, is a genius idea, you can build your character however you want, however you please, picking whatever skills you desire, but there are guiding "decks", which once you get them, you even get an outfit. That is an interesting way to deal with levels and classes. There are none.

By the way, polariser sucks compared to enforcer, basically no area of effect shit even if it does have a cage thing. I think I am gonna develop shotguns and elementalism for a while.
Too many zombies and the beta at least felt like any other MMO sadly enough. I liked the setting and the idea to work for Illuminati was inspiring to say the least. I think I reached level 10, does it get any better after that?
robb5: Again I don't want to be rude but exactly how many keys you bought? :)) You are like Santa but a lot more nice than him :)
shane-o: You're not rude, I don't mind questions :)

I have bought 7 keys in total. I gave 2 away the other day in The Gaming deals thread and the other 5 away in this thread tonight

I just like to give to such a nice community when I have some cash. Pay it forward, so to speak
I talked with Live Support and they confirmed the fact that we get the first DLC for free (it will launch this month). Thanks again.
shane-o: You're not rude, I don't mind questions :)
I have bought 7 keys in total. I gave 2 away the other day in The Gaming deals thread and the other 5
away in this thread tonight
I just like to give to such a nice community when I have some cash. Pay it forward, so to speak
robb5: I talked with Live Support and they confirmed the fact that we get the first DLC for free (it will
launch this month). Thanks again.
it's launched :P you'll have an ingame mail with a map in it... don't bother collecting it till the second area though :)
robb5: I talked with Live Support and they confirmed the fact that we get the first DLC for free (it will
launch this month). Thanks again.
wodmarach: it's launched :P you'll have an ingame mail with a map in it... don't bother collecting it till
the second area though :)
Oh ok. Thanks.
Luisfius: By the way, polariser sucks compared to enforcer, basically no area of effect shit even if it
does have a cage thing. I think I am gonna develop shotguns and elementalism for a while.
Each group has different decks and looks from those decks too btw so feel free to let people know what you mean by a deck (blade+fist for example or shotgun+elemental(magus for templars))
Polariser is guns + elementalism. Enforcer is Shotgun + Chaos
oh another thing many of the decks suck ass for anything but dungeons building your own decks for missioning is recommended
Does anyone here still play it?

And if so, does anyone else have some serious latency problems? When you're just walking around, talking to people, it usually works fine. Sometimes it works fine in combat too, but usually it just spikes up to 600-4000ms quite often.

I've found that alt-tabbing out and refreshing any page in browser instantly got the game back to normal latency, which is weird and I don't really know what that means. I of course tried running auto-refreshers in the background, but that was just too easy to actually work.

Now I had these problems when I just started playing but after a while they disappeared. I didn't change anything so I assume the funcom server got their shit together. After the latest patch this shit started happening again, but it's not happening to everyone so I'm not sure is it Funcom's fault or my fault or a bit of both.

All ports are open, firewall isn't getting in the way, I've tried all that stuff.

Any ideas?