Thespian*: Congrats to the winners, and thanks again, QC!
Thespian*: A personal question for you (please feel free to disregard it if you feel so):
What led you to fencing?
A) Dark Ages films.
B) Pirate films.
C) Monkey Island series. ;)
D) Bad companions. :P
E) ???
Kudos on your fighting spirit and take care of that ankle, mate!
A little of everything I suppose. I loved playing video games when I was little, and that led me to three genre's specifically that I loved more than any other.
Real Time Strategy
Role Playing
Action Adventure
Being a console gamer growing up (I played since I was 1 apparently) that brought be to two series early on and one later in life:
Age of Empires
The Legend of Zelda
Final Fantasy
The one thing joining Final Fantasy and The Legend of Zelda is intricacy in sword and metal design. Far enough in the series and you can spend a lot of time just playing and looking at the different sword designs. And frankly I think the Master Sword is a very interesting sword, given that the blade is wider away from the hilt instead of thinning towards the tip. Age of Empires needs a touch more explanation.
I played that game a ton, introduced by my father's friend who ran a computer shop. When I was older, the sequel came out, and I must have played at least 300 hours of my life to that game. That provided my interest in Medieval weapons and armors. There's a few books back home still full of designs, weapons, explanations, so forth, I don't remember the name of the series yet.
When I was 10 I think, on one visit to my grandmother's home in Texas, the Renaissance festival was happening, and we went. I had a really good time (I was still an awkward and clumsy 10 year old though, I accidentally threw a hammer across the room during a coin smithing demonstration that I joined in.) As we were leaving, there was a sword shop, and we all went in. I had some money and purchased a steel short sword for $15, that I still have with me.Apparently these festivals are my past, as my parents have a picture of me being held by a belly dancer when I was too little to possibly remember.
So, take these three things with age, a love of swords was built, made more interesting with new games, new designs, new complexity. I paid attention. Some more festivals start to arrive close to home, which I joined in, and around this time I started up at my new school. One of these visits, I brought $200, and bought a rapier, and this was while I was living with my aunt (I'll explain horror stories with that later, short version is it was bad enough that for the sake of sanity and life I had to move out). On my visits home, I always wanted to take that sword, learn to use it for the sake of using it, it seemed so interesting to me, a 4&1/2 long sword from hilt to tip, and me 6'4, it was amazing how far it reached. But I never found the time or the chance.
So, when I moved into the city where my school is located, away from my aunt, I made a promise to get out and look around and make the most of the campus, all that I couldn't do or hadn't done simply because I was restricted to my aunt's home when I wasn't studying. There was one afternoon where our student center had about 100 tables laid out in front of it, all belonging to clubs, teams, events, organizations, fraternities. There was the BBQ club, Skydiving, Crochet, Football, Soccer, Glassblowing, frat houses dedicated to all the engineering fields, anime club, film club, Student Union Board. And I came across the Fencing Club.
This one was so interesting to me. I took it up. I joined immediately. They tired me out. And I fought how I could. I got thinner. I got quicker. I met a lot of people that I never would have met otherwise. And it's one of the greatest things in the world to fight your heart out for the sake of the battle, to forget everything else in the world except sticking your sword into your foe, like I did this weekend, forgetting my ankle for the sake of the fight and still managing to give some surprises against some of the best fighters that were there that day.