Posted April 15, 2012
Gaming journalism is one of the most corrupted and dishonorable industries in the entertainment business. You don't need a degree in fucking anything, you don't need credentials, you don't even need noticeable skill in the writing field. You just have to be familiar with the video game industry by browsing /v/ on 4chan, gamefaqs and reddit for a month, you have to be able to conjure up the most controversial articles, whether poorly or well written, and you have to be able to rate video games based on unfair prerequisites (how popular the developer/publisher is among your fanbase, how popular the website you're writing for is---if it's fairly popular
You can't give unpopular opinions because that would be breaking precious social rules, how much the publisher bribes you, how much you like the given intellectual property or its characters, etc.). Or, if you're a hot girl, you literally don't have to have ANY skills-just apply and be able to read off of a teleprompter.
Depending on how hot you are and how discreetly you can read off of said teleprompter, your career can escalate and escalate until you're reading off of teleprompters on G4 for national television and voice acting in popular video games (which is situationally hilarious when the gaming website you're reading off of teleprompters for has to review the game you're voicing--how can they accurately and fairly review a game they're literally a part of?). Take the stand, Jessica Chobot.
This results in 20-something community college drop outs that can't write for shit to be hired for a gaming website and sell out their popularity to companies by writing extremely shitty and highly subjective reviews on popular games while giving mediocre reviews to any game that isn't a triple-A console sequel.
These reviews aren't even discreet in their preconditioned bias. The reviews are so fucking terrible you can literally imagine the writers trying to conjure up bullshit to make the game look better and the website can even be littered with ads for the fucking game.
For example: how can you take the Dragon Age II GameTrailers review seriously when literally every ad on the website was about the game and the reviewer was an avid Bioware fanboy who's review was based on entirely subjective things (eg.: "the combat is good," without explaining why the combat is good, "the story is deep" without backing with evidence)?
Face it, the infancy of the gaming industry causes it to be ignored by true professional critics, leaving the gaming journalism business to be thoroughly assfucked by amateur kids that can't write their biased reviews for shit.
You can't give unpopular opinions because that would be breaking precious social rules, how much the publisher bribes you, how much you like the given intellectual property or its characters, etc.). Or, if you're a hot girl, you literally don't have to have ANY skills-just apply and be able to read off of a teleprompter.
Depending on how hot you are and how discreetly you can read off of said teleprompter, your career can escalate and escalate until you're reading off of teleprompters on G4 for national television and voice acting in popular video games (which is situationally hilarious when the gaming website you're reading off of teleprompters for has to review the game you're voicing--how can they accurately and fairly review a game they're literally a part of?). Take the stand, Jessica Chobot.
This results in 20-something community college drop outs that can't write for shit to be hired for a gaming website and sell out their popularity to companies by writing extremely shitty and highly subjective reviews on popular games while giving mediocre reviews to any game that isn't a triple-A console sequel.
These reviews aren't even discreet in their preconditioned bias. The reviews are so fucking terrible you can literally imagine the writers trying to conjure up bullshit to make the game look better and the website can even be littered with ads for the fucking game.
For example: how can you take the Dragon Age II GameTrailers review seriously when literally every ad on the website was about the game and the reviewer was an avid Bioware fanboy who's review was based on entirely subjective things (eg.: "the combat is good," without explaining why the combat is good, "the story is deep" without backing with evidence)?
Face it, the infancy of the gaming industry causes it to be ignored by true professional critics, leaving the gaming journalism business to be thoroughly assfucked by amateur kids that can't write their biased reviews for shit.