Grargar: Coincidentally enough, I also just had dinner. And while eating, I realized that you were referring to Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs and not the Dark Descent. As it stands, I have to pass. If you happen to find another cart with Deadly Premonition though (and provided I find the rest of the games acceptable), I would be interested in a trade.
Nae problem, I'll see what else rolls up. Any of the other RARE items I should try to get with it? I find I get a two of them in the same cart every so often.
expopower: Be advised that each checkout id expires after a (fairly long) period of time, it happened to me last night when I forgot about one that I left open in a tab.
Thanks, I appreciate the warning!
fronzelneekburm: So, if anybody missed out on the rare pots of gold, I have a whole goldmine including 4(!) rarities (plus the more common Gianna Sisters Owlverlord) to trade. No Zombaliens in this one, folks, this is strictly the good stuff!
Considering the amount of good stuff included here, hopefully someone will be willing to trade me an Ether One key for it.
Damn, a quadruple-rare! Very well done there.