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oldschool: Is Elizabeth the first still the longest serving Queen of england?
Titanium: Nope. Queen Victoria beats her by 3 years and 7 months.

For now... ;)

Edit: whoops, botched that up... the current Queen has by my knowledge the second longest (and still on-going) reign, with Queen Victoria with the longest. Elizabeth the first held that title for 44 years.
One thing is for sure, you know how to breed strong queens over in the UK.
Hail to the Queen, baby!
Feel free to watch this charming and slick video:

But far more importantly, watch this:

Roman5: How are our British GOG'ers celebrating?
By wishing everyone would shut the fuck up about it.
kodeen: Why is 60 the magic number? 50 seems more ... round, for lack of a better word.
Pretty sure I remember them celebrating the 50th too.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by SirPrimalform
Bloodygoodgames: proud to be British
Bloodygoodgames: proud to be British
SirPrimalform: *retch*
Why do the most ignorant people always make the loudest noise?
SirPrimalform: *retch*
Bloodygoodgames: Why do the most ignorant people always make the loudest noise?
Your post was a lot longer than mine. ;P

Also my feelings on national pride are an opinion. How is finding national pride icky ignorant?
Post edited June 02, 2012 by SirPrimalform
As a Brit, I will go out and try to see some of the events over the Jubilee, I am not much of a Monarchist but it is nice to have history and tradition, as long as one does not let it define one.
While I do have issues with the royalty, I see them as being equivalent of many voted for positions in other countries (such as the Irish president) but with much more history, culture and authority. I just hope to see the crown pass Charles and move to William. Charles is a gob-shite. It would be nice to have young royalty again.

The problem with national pride is it is pride in something that one has not achieved themselves. This sense of pride is easily manipulated by certain political never-do-wells. A little bit of pride is good, but well, as the expression goes, "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel".
However, saying I have pride in what my country stands for, for what it has contributed to the world, and that I work hard to try to make sure that my country will continue to be great is not bad, it's just that so many unpleasant individuals use national pride as the driving force of distasteful practices, such as UKIP or the BNP.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by MichaelFurlong
Roman5: As far as I'm aware: More people Worldwide watched the Royal Wedding than the US Moon Landing

Of course I understand that circumstances were different in terms of x TV for y People but Still...
Tell me about it. There's been more considerably more coverage of the Royal Jubilee on France 2, France 3, Das Erste, RTL and ProSieben than on any of the BBC channels, ITV, Channel 4 or Five. Trust me - I know. I receive and watch all of them. There's so much media coverage of the British royal family here that you'd think the German media were desperate to try and tell us that we had no national identity.

Actually seeing flag-waving grannies with their Union Jacks in street parties is a different thing to your average middle-class citizen's real perspective.
Bloodygoodgames: ...proud to be British...
This expression - and the German equivalent - makes me retch every time, simply because the majority of people who feel the need to go shouting this off are the ones that very rarely do anything to deserve that pride.

Whenever I hear someone in the UK tell me that they're "proud to be British", they're usually the sort of chav knobheads that are dependent on benefits, spout off racist bullshit whenever some Asian guy comes on TV, talk about nothing but their favourite Premier League team (and, if they're not Arsenal supporters, slag off Arsene Wenger for his being French) and have several kids with different women.

"Proud to be whatever" is usually nothing but a substitute because they have nothing else to be proud of.
My wife and I will probably be looking after our new baby, born two days ago...

My brother will be a bit more involved in the Jubilee - he may well be standing in armour on the battlements of the Tower Of London... :D
Most Scots see it as just another fancy bank holiday and are glad they take 2 days off work - or rather not, since some will not get paid for these two days.

The only decorations around Edinburgh are found in the local Sainsbury's branches, where they start decorating and selling all kinds of stuff a month before the actual celebration/holiday - at the moment you can find dishes, cups, crockery and cutlery and even sweets, all adorned with the UK flag.
Post edited June 03, 2012 by Fifeldor
I don't see much to celebrate about the British monarchy, so I'll be enjoying the extra holiday without reference to the Jubilee.
I'll be enjoying the bank holiday at least. No interesting events happening around my area so, meh.
Queen can piss off, i cant get a delivery till wednesday because of her, she's so godamn inconsiderate
Wen't down to see the flotilla, didn't see much, Hammersmith (the arse end) was sparsely populated, once I got close to Battersea, it became too packed to see anything, then it started to rain and everyone got soaked : /

To all the wankers who stayed at home, I envy you : / Could have watched some Game of Thrones with my GF instead.
I miss the festivals around Korea and Thailand, those last for days so everyone gets a chance to see.