Drakhyrr: With all due respect to monarchic nations, I fail to see why anyone would be proud of having a king/queen. Aren't most first-world monarchies basically republics with kings for show, anyway?
I certainly wouldn't want my tax money to pay for the luxuries of a family that I probably wouldn't ever even see persoally. Of course, I may be wrong somewhere here.
Phc7006: True enough.
But many republics have heads of state that are in effect not elected by the people but chosen amongst the political circles ( Italy; Greece f.i ) And there is in the end very little difference in the content of the function.
On the other hand, the Monarchy is a truly long standing institution in some European countries. For Denmark or the UK this eventually matters a lot. In other countries, monarchies were somehow imposed to the people by the powers of the time ( both Belgium and Netherlands have monarchies because in post Napoleon Europe, the word republic seemed.... indicative of some form of nostalgia ) , so it matters less ( at least as far as Belgium is concerned ). But in all cases , monarchies provide a form of neutrality towards the political parties and Europeans as a whole start to be really distrustful of the political elites.
In addition, your chances of meeting your President are not better than the chances of meeting your king. Nor will be the kind of access you'll get ( except if you live in Luxembourg, where the Grand Duke is veruy accessible compared to others ). Nor is the kind of luxury they enjoy. Except that for Presidents you pay the luxuries during their office and after it , till they die.
Eventually, you may want to note that there has been and are "Republics" whose heads of state are far froim being models of virtue.
You may want to note that, per citizen, the cost of the British Monarchy, is lower ( and I mean lower as in 1:2) than the cost of France's Presidential office.
So, if they play their role , if the people are attached to the concept, there is nothing objectionable to this form of democracy.
Excellent post and I absolutely agree with you.
I'm British, proud to be British, love the Queen and am thankful we have such a strong monarchy. Other countries that don't have it (America, for instance) have millions of citizens who would love to have a monarch and all the history that comes with that.
In actual fact, although some Brits would have you believe otherwise, the Queen is adored by the majority of the British - every poll ever carried out has proven her to be very popular, with only a minority saying the UK shouldn't have a monarch. You can see this at times like the Jubilee and royal weddings.
Plus, to say some people think other nationalities don't want a monarch, then why is it when one of ours gets married it's one of the most watched-ever events on the planet??