gameon: Wow, i thought 3 was the one with the huge budget. They also made a movie, but i heard it was awful.
Menelkir: WC 4 is a better movie than the actual movie ever was. The dialogue alone was terrible. I don't understand how they could botch it so bad. WC is a series that should be easy to turn into a movie series.
The thing was, by the time WCIV did roll around, it pretty much was a movie; I have the original Mac Classic release (it supported System 7.5.3 to Mac OS 8; I don't think it even ran on Mac OS 9.x), and it even said on the back of the box "The Best Interactive Movie Just Got Better!"
I think what was really interesting about it was that while it was presented as a movie, there was enough interactivity in terms of mission selection and character development that it still felt very much like a real game.