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Navagon: d) The fact that, on release, the game barely had more content than its demo. Something which has been substantially rectified since but it must have been pretty detrimental to sales all the same.

Actually, the demo itself hurt the game plenty. On release, the game was an obvious console port, but the demo was hardly even a port, other than the fact that it ran on Windows. For many PC players who had awaited the game eagerly, this was a harsh blow. Many felt that Epic had totally ignored their core audience.
Navagon: e) Furthermore, the complete lack of classic maps. Going so far as to leave out Facing Worlds was never going to win over fans of the previous instalments.

And Morpheus. They did include Deck IIRC, and Facing Worlds is there now, but I think Morpheus is still missing.
Gundato: Also: I forgot to list the TES games and Fallout 3 as games where modding is still very much alive (although, there are arguments to be made that it is mostly just two or three real "mods" and a bunch of retexes so that you can walk around the wasteland/cyrodil with nipple clamps).

I hope no TES modders will ever hear this. Trolling is not a good thing. ;)
Wishbone: And Morpheus. They did include Deck IIRC, and Facing Worlds is there now, but I think Morpheus is still missing.

There's a good user made version though. Although I think a few were made. Not sure which is the good one now. If I remember right at least one of them was a bit crap.
Just lay your eyes on this sick puppy. Can you hardly believe that it's built using StarCraft II's Map Editor?

I see your awesome and hit you back with;
KavazovAngel: I hope no TES modders will ever hear this. Trolling is not a good thing. ;)

Take a look. TES3 largely became an affair of Better Bodies mods (and gear that makes Chainmail Bikinis look downright prudish) and TES4 isn't much better.
And pretty much all the F3 companion mods are dangerously close to sex slavery :p
That is not to say there aren't great mods out there (albeit, the number seems to have declined since TES3, largely because of the annoyance of syncing voices with dialogue), but mod runs feel decidedly dirty these days.
Post edited August 10, 2010 by Gundato
Pretty neat. I wonder if Blizzard will uncripple the ability to actually play maps like this anytime soon, though. I haven't played SC2, but I had read that:
1. User maps have to be stored on and served from,
2. Each user only gets a (very) stingy space allotment on the servers, and
3. That there was no easy way to access user-made maps outside of people's "recently played" lists.
Is that about right, or am I way off? If so, it seems a real shame that they opted for such a system given the power of the tools they've provided.
KavazovAngel: I hope no TES modders will ever hear this. Trolling is not a good thing. ;)
Gundato: Take a look. TES3 largely became an affair of Better Bodies mods (and gear that makes Chainmail Bikinis look downright prudish) and TES4 isn't much better.

Gee, we might not go on the same modding sites, then, since when i go to TESnexus, what i see is a great variety of mods. Of course, there are lots of armours mods, because they are relatively simple to make. But there are also lots of gameplay mods, overhauls, areas reworking and so on...
So, saying that TES4 modding is now just a pastime for obsessed freaky nerds is as far from truth as if i was saying that all SC players are living in their parents' basement at the age of 35! ^_^
Gundato: Take a look. TES3 largely became an affair of Better Bodies mods (and gear that makes Chainmail Bikinis look downright prudish) and TES4 isn't much better.
xa_chan: Gee, we might not go on the same modding sites, then, since when i go to TESnexus, what i see is a great variety of mods. Of course, there are lots of armours mods, because they are relatively simple to make. But there are also lots of gameplay mods, overhauls, areas reworking and so on...
So, saying that TES4 modding is now just a pastime for obsessed freaky nerds is as far from truth as if i was saying that all SC players are living in their parents' basement at the age of 35! ^_^

Who said that? I argue that all Starcraft players are Koreans who like Pokemon. Get your facts straight :p
DISCLAIMER: just so nobody has a cow, I am joking.
And just taking a gander at TESNexus's top 15 (i got bored around that point, so maybe the trend doesn't continue):
At least 3 are outright listed as Adult-Only (I clicked the ones that seemed most likely to be "adult")
1 is a companion mod with "heavy customization" and the like. I suspect that if I were arsed to grab it, at least one of those would involve lingerie (the other companions I grabbed that have similar levels of customizability had similar customizability)
So 3.5/15 are "adult"-oriented
You are right. it IS largely because it is easier to make an armor mod than just about anything else (especially since the TES4 CS kind of sucks worse than TES3's :p). And, let's be honest here, the average fantasy fan has the maturity of a 12-year old (I am a sci-fi fan, so MY maturity is that of a 13-year old :p), so chainmail bikinis and the like aren't too far-fetched.
But still, there is an obscenely high ratio of "adult" mods to quest mods and the like. Or, at least, it feels that way.