mystral: I've started playing this game with a witch called Mauraya. She's only lvl 8 atm, so I don't have much in the way of impressions yet.
Still, this seems quite stable for an early open beta.
However, the chat is worse than anything I've ever seen, full of taunts, rudeness and overall idiocy. I turned off general chat pretty quickly, and thank God for the option to do so.
The chat has taken a nose dive with this, I'm considering making HC characters to get away from it. Hopefully it will clear up in the later areas as the rude folks just in to try it out will become bored and not get there.
As for the stableness, they aren't doing any more character wipes, it almost had to be. The closed beta is where we took shit with the serious bugs, and trust me, it was a mess at times:)
Glad you like it, we should maybe set up a Ventrilo server or something.