phaolo: I see, but can't GOG even send an email 1 hour before?
"Greetings, I see you are selling bread that may have been improperly baked. Please refrain from selling it until we can clear the health concerns."
Can you sell the already baked bread, or do you refuse service even to customers ready to pay for it?
If GOG gets a "Stop selling at once" notice, they have to stop selling at once. Informing that they have to take it down means they didn't stop at once, with whatever legal repercussions that has.
Wishbone: However, lately they have taken to only inform us of game removals via the game-specific subforums, as if people check the forum for every game on their wishlist daily. Every game removed from the catalog should be announced in the general forum, ahead of time when possible, after the fact when not.
Will have to check on Friday if the removal will be posted on the blog or not. Let's see if they cover removals as well as updates.