dirtyharry50: This is my problem with any f2p game. I can't hack being nickeled and dimed for basics or anything really.
Maybe I am sort of old school or something when it comes to MMO games but to me either the game is good enough to be worth a sub granting complete access to all content and features or it isn't. I think the problem many MMOs have encountered since WoW is that most of them are not good enough. People have spoken with their wallets and refused to shell out 15 bucks a month for them. Yet WoW customers don't seem to have any problem paying monthly. I can only conclude that unlike players of other games, WoW customers are satisfied with their game at least enough to value it at 15 bucks a month.
Anyway, I won't wander too much further off-topic here into the whole f2p vs subscription model discussion but I wanted to bring up why f2p games don't really tempt me, even ones I suspect would be fun to try out like this one. If was to want to play SWOTOR, I'd shell out the monthly for the full experience. I hate stuff being missing, I would absolutely hate the XP cut and any other stuff cut.
What I would try is an unlimited trial for say the first 20 levels like WoW offers. That lets me play unhindered in any way, trying any class I want, etc. in the starting areas and get a good feel for whether I like the game enough to pay for it. If the game can stand on its own two feet then I might just pony up with the monthly. If not, sorry but no cigar.

niniendowarrior: SWTOR had a limited trial up to level 15 I think at one point in time. It didn't last. WoW subs are decreasing too, so the age of people paying for the subs are slowly fading away. Didn't Guild Wars go Free to Play too?
Well, the interesting thing about free to play games is that most of them I'm aware of including EverQuest, EverQuest II, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Vanguard, SWOTOR (I'm pretty sure but somebody can correct me if I am wrong), and more I'm forgetting now all offer subscriptions as an alternative to buying into the game in pieces or trying to enjoy what is available free.
So subscriptions haven't really gone away but they are no longer a barrier to entry for most MMOs anymore either. There is still plenty of upsell to subs going on at least with the SOE and Turbine titles. Those ones I've seen first hand. The largest difference is they try to hook players in with whatever is available for free but with the restrictions get them to pay at least for some portions that are locked or better still just subscribe to remove the restrictions altogether. There are some restrictions in LoTRO for example that can only be removed by subscribing.
What is more, in Turbine games and probably others they now upsell ways to beat the grind or gain things not possible even with a subscription and I am not talking just cosmetics but rather things like additional character slots, more bank space that those who like to craft would need, faster progression in crafting and leveling up, permanent elevations to stats not attainable any other way, etc.
I do not doubt for a moment that Turbine has not only plenty of subscribers since going f2p but many of them spend more than 15 a month to purchase all the gameplay enhancements they sell. SOE games I know are similar particularly with potions to boost xp and crafting which help reduce the deliberate grinds in place. It's all a calculated way to deliberately extract more cash, not less from MMO players and it seems to be working nicely.
I mentioned elsewhere not long ago that Turbine's move to f2p put them in a position where Warner Brothers was happy to buy them up. So f2p did not equal concession but rather improved revenues. They are basically milking the faithful more than anything and for the "free" players these games are glorified trial editions in many respects. I can't recall ever hearing of anyone playing them that did not at some point break down and buy something to gain basic "preferred" status, etc., etc., etc.
If you wanna play, you have to pay. That's the bottom line really unless you like a sort of shareware experience in your MMO gaming I guess.