Back in my day one would play on a jungle gym, playground, etc. and no one sued anyone if a kid skined his/her knee.
Playgrounds still had dirt, sand, or tanbark because no one was dumb enough to try and eat those things.
Accidents happened but weren't a big deal because the damn hospitals didn't make you pay the doctors next Bently payment to fix/heal a boo boo. Or maybe Healthcare wasn't f***ed up... I don't really know.
The Commodore 64 had some great adventure/action games Impossible Mission, Below the Root, and Alice in Wonderland.
Moving ahead to our first 286, The Prince of Persia was a f***ing awesome game, that I spent hours playing yet only ever made it to level 12 or 13, I can't remember, before time ran out.
Oh yeah and parents limited video gaming to 2 hours a day, hence less issues with obesity.