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So how is the first ep? Apparently its going to be for sale to the rest of us in july, is it worth getting, just how disappointed should I be that I can't play it right now?
Rock Paper Shotgun suggests it's pretty poor.
I downloaded it, but then didn't bother playing it. Got too much other stuff to get through that is more entertaining.
Post edited June 17, 2010 by Andy_Panthro
Aliasalpha: So how is the first ep? Apparently its going to be for sale to the rest of us in july, is it worth getting, just how disappointed should I be that I can't play it right now?

The gameplay is really poor. It's barely an adventure game as there isn't much that would count as a puzzle. It's more of a collection of basic minigames. It's all presented well though and it feels like a doctor who episode so it's still entertaining while it lasts. I must have finished it in about an hour though.
You aren't missing out on much. It would only be worth paying for if it's very cheap or the next 3 games improve on this. I'll be giving the next game a go but only because its "free".
RPS weren't wrong. I found the control system horrible and one of my pet hates is 'stealth' games were you instantly die if you are caught. Add in some bloody awful puzzles and it's a pretty shit game. It does have a decent story and at least Smith bothered to act so it has a few plus points but they are far out-weighed by the bad things.
The Doctor Who Adventure Game Episode One is shit.
It is shit.
It is goddamn fucking awful.
Damnit, thats disappointing given the fact that charles cecil is involved. Suppose you get what you pay for
I gave up on it due to the broken stealth detection parts. Shame, t'was full of promise but very very poorly implemented.
Dr Who is supposed to be a futuristic McGuyver guy. So where's the part where I can combine bubblegum, fertilizer, charcoal and kerosene to make a bazooka?
Failed game!
McGyver didn't make weapons. the only one he used was a revolver with the chamber cylinder removed as a spanner.
Dr Who, these days, is for kiddies, so it's not really surprising the merchandise and games is at that level too.
Bring back Sir Tom of Baker!!
Post edited June 18, 2010 by Lone3wolf
Lone3wolf: McGyver didn't make weapons. the only one he used was a revolver with the chamber cylinder removed as a spanner.

you obviously never saw the pilot where he shoots people with an SMG
also the reason to necro
Dr who ep 3: The Tardis is out on friday
It's awful.
I'm guessing it will be after the 4th one before the US gets it, which is annoying. The games aren't that good at all really, but for a massive Doctor Who fan like myself they are great.
Lone3wolf: Bring back Sir Tom of Baker!!

AGREE 100%!!
He was the first doctor i saw, although i don't understand how, as the last time i saw the show was only ten years ago. (he is awesome as captain Redbeard in black adder).
Watched the very first dr. who episode two days ago. it was... weird.. pretty cool, better than i expected... but the thing that made me soil myself in glee was hearing that AWESOME synth theme song again! How can something that awesome be composed for a casual sci-fi tv-series(did i just alienate myself from the entire dr. who fanbase here by saying that?)
I guess it's too much to hope for some patches for these...
StingingVelvet: I'm guessing it will be after the 4th one before the US gets it, which is annoying. The games aren't that good at all really, but for a massive Doctor Who fan like myself they are great.

Same day according to the BBC
Lone3wolf: Bring back Sir Tom of Baker!!
Floydinizer: AGREE 100%!!
He was the first doctor i saw, although i don't understand how, as the last time i saw the show was only ten years ago. (he is awesome as captain Redbeard in black adder).
Watched the very first dr. who episode two days ago. it was... weird.. pretty cool, better than i expected... but the thing that made me soil myself in glee was hearing that AWESOME synth theme song again! How can something that awesome be composed for a casual sci-fi tv-series(did i just alienate myself from the entire dr. who fanbase here by saying that?)

The very first was before synths it was done with cut up pieces of tape
Post edited August 22, 2010 by wodmarach