Ok, games are all bought, and thanks to finding my spreadsheet from last time, I still had all the formulas in place to split them up.
We'll kick off in 15 minutes. Basically, if you PM me that you're ready to start then I'll send you your fragments (I'm doing it this way as I'd like to check that people have actually started, rather than a fragment sitting in an unread PM).
If you want to stand in as a sub, PM me, and if someone doesn't sign in by 8:15, you'll get subbed in.
In order to not disadvantage the subs too much, I will not be sending out duplicate keys, instead I'll give out copies of some to people that get subbed in, to make up for the time lost. This means that there is still a high probability that your not the only one with a copy of your original fragments, so you still can't hoard.
Keep in mind that I'd like this game to be played any way you wish, however don't try and screw me over by trying to trade keys outside the game etc. I'd like all 8 games to be claimed by the players. I've just put $72 into these games, so by way of thanks play me fair.
Lying, cheating, or tricking the other players on the other hand - that's fine. Just don't take any of it personally.