Scureuil: A discussion about piracy? Oh, it's that time of the year again?
More like that time of the month =P
Scureuil: 1) I never boarded any ship and threatened people life with weapons to steal goods. I do think the vast majority of those so-called "pirates" have never done anything that harmful. I don't think there ever was any real /piracy/ problem on internet at all.
I believe it's not as much
how the pirates "acquired" their treasure but that the treasure they "acquired" was something others had spent time and money on gathering. That is, the only effort they made was to take what others had produced, rather than spending time and effort on making something themselves. Basically the same as thieves, yet calling software pirates thieves doesn't have the same ring to it.
In my opnion, the 'real internet pirates' are those who scam people, steal identities, use trojans to gather online banking information, go after children etc. They do hurt people, sometimes even physically. On the other hand, 'pirates' is too nice a word for them - 'scum' is more fitting.
Scureuil: When it's easier and safer to download a game that to buy it, it's no surprise that people starts to ponder the option.
When I found GOG (heh.. that's one single letter away from a statement that makes me instinctively shy away from whoever said it..) I actually thought something along these lines: "It's easier and safer to buy here, than it is to download [illegally] - I like it; I want to try this. I want this to succeed."
Anyway, thanks for a nice read/rant - it's much the same 'reality' I know. It's not as much about the money as it as about getting the product you've actually paid for. We're not buying securom instances, we're buying the games they protect - what legit customer, if given the choice, would actually choose the version
with DRM over the one
without, given the price was the same (the DRM-free version would even mean more money to the developer/publisher)?
It feels like being expected to buy sex from a hooker with certified VD when you might as well hook up with a (most likely - you never know) VD-free girlfriend (who knows all the same 'moves', and in some cases, more) for free.
I don't condone piracy (and I'd gladly carve out the gentials of anyone torrenting GOG releases, with a plastic spoon, force-feeding them - that's not just piracy, that's shooting every consumer in the foot) but there's enough 'wrong' on both sides that it feels like you might as well flip a coin when deciding which path to walk.
I know some people have a hard time understanding why they should pay for something they can acquire easily and almost without risk even if it's illegal (it's not wrong if you don't get caught, or something?) - I don't think there's anything that can be done with those (other than catching them more often) - but there's also a lot of people who know they're doing something illegal, yet prefers this - and the possible consequences - to the alternative (e.g. DRM). If more services like GOG came to be, the latter group would all but vanish - I have absolutely no reason to pirate any of the games I can get here at GOG - and the 'pirate'-tag would be more fitting. And, consequently, enforcement of anti-piracy laws would be easier to accept.
Heh.. what do you know - my short comment turned into (another) lengthy rant.. sorry about that.. =/