Theoclymenus: It's not quite the same though is it ? I mean The Who did not release their albums song by song, they released the whole album at once. And as far as I know they didn't later add any expansion packs.
Respecting Shaolin_sKunk's wishes, I'm dropping the subject. I'll just ask you to check the top music sellers in the 50s (they were singles), then the 80s (they were albums), then 2000s (singles again). Different distribution media meant piece was better than album, then cassetes (and cds) meant albums were produced instead of singles, then mp3 sales meant singles were more profitable than albums again.
Oh, and before I forget, check [url=]Magic Bus[/url], which was later [url=]re-released[/url] as an expansion. Ok, not true. It was the same song with a few more songs added, plus some exclusives. So more like a "Complete Edition" that you had to rebuy if you wanted the full experience.
Apologies once again, I'm out of this thread. If you still wish to debate, send a PM, you are not blocked.