Posted December 03, 2013
high rated
If the tables were turned I’d show you no mercy!
The MegaPuzzlestore aka MPstore
The prizes include (which I will update):
•Natural Selection 2 (steam)
•Sanctum: Collection (steam)
•Sanctum 2 (steam)
•Serious Sam 3 (steam)
•Garry’s Mod (steam)
•Cities in Motion 2 (steam)
•Battlegroup (desura)
•Puzzler World (steam)
•Skyward Collapse (steam)
•Shattered Haven (steam)
•Hacker Evolution Duality + Inception Parts 1,2,3 + Hardcore Package 1 (steam)
A MegaPuzzlemaster Coupon (valid for one game offered in the future) . 0 in stock
I'd also appreciate any code or keys donations to further the store and make the contest even more exciting! I'm not quite sure what prizes people find exciting so if you could leave some suggestions I'd appreciate it, especially if you are a proud owner of a MegaPuzzlemaster Coupon.
What's it about?
What do you have to do? I’m glad you asked! I will be posting up challenges that I have painstakingly constructed that will test your mental fibres and fortitude. The weak of heart better stay away.
Since each challenge will be different the goal will be different too. The rules however stay the same. The first person to complete the challenge or complete it the best will win one prize from the MegaPuzzlestore.
You can help others if you want or not. Some parts may be easier than others! If there is some confusion with the puzzle itself, then I will gladly help you! (unless you ask for the answer, which I can only offer partial clues after enough people get stuck.)
You are allowed to enter any and every challenge you want! This means more fun and more chances to win!
MegaPuzzle Challenge Series 1
1. The Devious Crossword (based on game posters I own) Post the completed Megapuzzle to win! Winner: JohnWalrus
2. Art is my Art (using the below file). May the best art win! This challenge will last a while longer to allow for more entries. I will subjectively judge the best entry. Winners: Melhelix and IceEagle If anyone else wishes to create more art using the image you can!
3. The Megarinth Post the correct path to win! Winner: DeMignon
4. The [___] of [___] This will last a while longer to allow for more entries. I will subjectively judge the best entry. You can find the skeleton of the story by following the below link.Winner: Goatbrush 5. The Secret of MPCS1 As the climax of Series 1 this challenge will require you to think. I will offer clues if we get stuck as a group and minor prizes (1 item from the MPstore) to those who majorly advance us. The major prize of figuring this out will be 3 items from the MPstore OR games worth up to $10 on GOG, your choice. Winner: tascodlx
MegaPuzzle Challenge Series 2 coming soon
The MegaPuzzlestore aka MPstore
The prizes include (which I will update):
•Natural Selection 2 (steam)
•Sanctum: Collection (steam)
•Sanctum 2 (steam)
•Serious Sam 3 (steam)
•Garry’s Mod (steam)
•Cities in Motion 2 (steam)
•Battlegroup (desura)
•Puzzler World (steam)
•Skyward Collapse (steam)
•Shattered Haven (steam)
•Hacker Evolution Duality + Inception Parts 1,2,3 + Hardcore Package 1 (steam)
A MegaPuzzlemaster Coupon (valid for one game offered in the future) . 0 in stock
I'd also appreciate any code or keys donations to further the store and make the contest even more exciting! I'm not quite sure what prizes people find exciting so if you could leave some suggestions I'd appreciate it, especially if you are a proud owner of a MegaPuzzlemaster Coupon.
What's it about?
What do you have to do? I’m glad you asked! I will be posting up challenges that I have painstakingly constructed that will test your mental fibres and fortitude. The weak of heart better stay away.
Since each challenge will be different the goal will be different too. The rules however stay the same. The first person to complete the challenge or complete it the best will win one prize from the MegaPuzzlestore.
You can help others if you want or not. Some parts may be easier than others! If there is some confusion with the puzzle itself, then I will gladly help you! (unless you ask for the answer, which I can only offer partial clues after enough people get stuck.)
You are allowed to enter any and every challenge you want! This means more fun and more chances to win!
MegaPuzzle Challenge Series 1
1. The Devious Crossword (based on game posters I own) Post the completed Megapuzzle to win! Winner: JohnWalrus
2. Art is my Art (using the below file). May the best art win! This challenge will last a while longer to allow for more entries. I will subjectively judge the best entry. Winners: Melhelix and IceEagle If anyone else wishes to create more art using the image you can!
3. The Megarinth Post the correct path to win! Winner: DeMignon
4. The [___] of [___] This will last a while longer to allow for more entries. I will subjectively judge the best entry. You can find the skeleton of the story by following the below link.Winner: Goatbrush 5. The Secret of MPCS1 As the climax of Series 1 this challenge will require you to think. I will offer clues if we get stuck as a group and minor prizes (1 item from the MPstore) to those who majorly advance us. The major prize of figuring this out will be 3 items from the MPstore OR games worth up to $10 on GOG, your choice. Winner: tascodlx
MegaPuzzle Challenge Series 2 coming soon
Post edited December 17, 2013 by Nigioh