JonhMan: that is one hulking console.
Arkose: The PDP-1 is a computer, not a console. At the time this game was made consoles did not exist, and
all video games were played on computers such as this one; the first arcade machine was released in 1971, while the first console was released a year later in 1972.
The PDP-1 didn't normally have a display. It was controlled using a teletype. The "display" for Spacewar was an oscilloscope, which is normally used to do diagnostics on equipment. Quite ingenious really.
"At the time this was made all games were played on computers"? At the time Spacewar was made, there were no other video games. Hence it's title as "first video game". I think it predated Pong by a couple of years. Pong did much better, because spacewar was way too complicated for the general public at the time. Pong was an arcade game, first placed in bars. So the second game after Spacewar, wasn't played on computers.
Arkose: The Magnavox Odyssey, the very first home console, was so basic that it had no scoring or winning/losing functionality (players had to keep track of these themselves, and scorecards and other aids were included for this purpose), no AI (all games are multiplayer-only), and graphics were represented with plastic overlays (the system itself could only create unrecognisable blobs of the most basic sort).
Funny thing about the Magnovox Odyssey: Even though there were cartridges sold for it that contained "games", actually the cartridges just contained some jumpers that would set a value in the console. All of the games actually shipped inside the machine when it was manufactured, and all people were buying was a setting to enable that particular game. (In today's internet world, there would have been a hack posted in the first week to enable all of the games. :p )