Disconnected: Not really excited. I'm sure I'll read it at some point. I've read his other books. But I don't think very highly of him as an author.
In my opinion - which hopefully is no worse, but surely is no better than yours - Brown doesn't have a very broad language (I don't either, so I have no idea what the technical terms here are, or if there are any), and the lack of breadth makes his characters seem samey. Another thing I really dislike about him, is his tendency to take great liberties with the sciences for no apparent reason (and I think it's really weird, since he obviously researches his stuff thoroughly). Last & least, his books so far have been so formulaic they're almost surprise-free.
Considering the genre, I'm sure I'm weird for thinking the latter the least of his failings. But as some presumably clever and presumably male character may have once said: there's no accounting for taste.
For comparison, my favourite mystery-conspiracy-nut author is Umberto Eco.
You know what's really, really good conspiracy fiction? Ever read the Illuminatus Trilogy?