RyanFialcowitz: Ha, I think you made my point for me. My point was that the right's holder is, in my view, the deciding factor in the matter.
- Ryan Paul Fialcowitz
You should reread that post again (and your preceding one).
Presto has been asking people to vote for JP1 on the GOG wishlist. If the decision were solely up to them, that means GOG would have already approved the game, and Presto wouldn't need the wish list votes.
Your point was that selling game x is not a motivating factor because GOG has incomplete game series. That's specious reasoning at best. If the rights holder is practically begging to put the game on GOG, then GOG undoubtedly has the final say, not the rights holder. If it were up to Presto, the game would already be here or otherwise confirmed.
By your logic GOG has would have never rejected a game if the rights holder was always the deciding factor. GOG rejected ASA: A Space Adventure. They initially rejected The Cat Lady before reconsidering and accepting it later. These were clearly situations that didn't boil down to the rights holder's discretion. You've neglected this and erroneously generalized all releases into one scenario.
Presto putting that statement about GOG availability in mid-February was possibly wishful thinking, hoping they'd get enough votes and secure a deal by then.