misteryo: Requirements: Give me your best job-hunting tip. Try not to repeat ones already entered in the thread.
Manifest the job you want. By that I mean don't just look for advertisements and go to interviews, cold call and contact companies you'd like to work for regardless of jobs being on offer. Be positive and be focused. Sell yourself but do so honestly. If you can share your enthusiasm, your passion for what you want to do, including what you are capable of and willing to learn, you will stand out in prospective employer's minds. Ask them to keep you on file in case anything comes up. Be genuinely friendly and interested in working for the company(which is easy to do if it is something you are passionate about) and even offer a trial run (for free if you have to, difficult to say without knowing what type of work you do).
When I have wanted work, I have generally gotten it that day by using the above methods. Good luck to you, and as Momo said, save some time to enjoy yourself and recharge, as keeping your spirits up goes a long way to getting employed.
I'd also suggest thinking of things you can do on the side in the meantime, even something like volunteer work can lead to something permanent down the road as it shows you are doing something, giving back to the community rather than being idle, and most importantly - you are keeping in contact with people who will get to know you and can be a reference/contact to aid your search for employment.
Good luck! :)
PS - in for darkplanetar as I already have that wonderful collection. Great suggestion re Ultima Lazarus! (the reason I got the collection)